英语翻译1.如果你有耐心,你能在旧书店买到很便宜的新书.(bargain)2.只要你能保持新车的干净,我就借给你.(as long as)3.他的新电脑速度是我的两倍,而我的电脑价钱是他的三倍,我被骗了.(take in)4.朱丽叶听到这个消息激动得又哭又笑.(so)5.他尽管生病了,却没有请病假.(ask for)6.无论乔治走多快,他也无法赶上我.(No matter)7.哪些摇滚歌星一边唱歌一边不停摇摆.(keep)8.如果她决心要赢得比赛,她一定会赢.(determine)9.我第一次去澳大利亚时


2.只要你能保持新车的干净,我就借给你.(as long as)
3.他的新电脑速度是我的两倍,而我的电脑价钱是他的三倍,我被骗了.(take in)
5.他尽管生病了,却没有请病假.(ask for)
6.无论乔治走多快,他也无法赶上我.(No matter)
9.我第一次去澳大利亚时学会了许多语言.(pick up)
1 If you are patient, you can bargain new books in book bank.
2 I can borrow the new car to you as long as you can keep it clean.
3 The speed of his new computer is two times faster than mine but the price is my computer is three times than his. I was taken in.
4 Juliet is so excited to hear the news that she crys and laughs.
5 Although he was ill, he didn't ask for leave.
6 No matter how fast John walks, he cannot catch up with me.
7 Those rock stars keep singing and wigwaging all the time.
8 If she determines to win the competition, she will win.
9 I picked up a lot of language when I first went to Austrilia.
10You should insist on it and never give up whatever you do .
1 If you are patient, you can bargain new books in book bank.
2 I can borrow the new car to you as long as you can keep it clean.
3 The speed of his new computer is two times faster than mine but the price is my computer is three times than his. I was taken in.
4 Juliet is so excited to hear the news that she crys and laughs.
5 Although he was ill, he didn't ask for leave.
6 No matter how fast John walks, he cannot catch up with me.
7 Those rock stars keep singing and wigwaging all the time.
8 If she determines to win the competition, she will win.
9 I picked up a lot of language when I first went to Austrilia.
10You should insist on it and never give up whatever you do .