英语翻译1.他们花了十天的时间完成了这项工作 2.你每天要花多长时间写作业 3.你每天骑车上学用多长时间 4.学生们正忙着为运动会做准备呢 5.他每天要做2小时作业 6.经常游泳有利于我们的健康 7.吃太多的糖对牙齿有害 8.学好数学是很困难 9.昨天他做了半个小时的家务活


1.他们花了十天的时间完成了这项工作 2.你每天要花多长时间写作业 3.你每天骑车上学用多长时间 4.学生们正忙着为运动会做准备呢 5.他每天要做2小时作业 6.经常游泳有利于我们的健康 7.吃太多的糖对牙齿有害 8.学好数学是很困难 9.昨天他做了半个小时的家务活
1 They spent 10 days on finishing the work 2 How long will it take you to write operation 3 How long does is take you to go to school by bike every day 4. The students are busy preparing for the games 5 He do two hours' homework everyday 6 Swimming is good for our health 7. To eat too much sugar is bad for our teeth 8. To learn math well is very difficult 9 He spent half an hour doing housework yesterday 1 They spent 10 days on finishing the work 2 How long will it take you to write operation 3 How long does is take you to go to school by bike every day 4. The students are busy preparing for the games 5 He do two hours' homework everyday 6 Swimming is good for our health 7. To eat too much sugar is bad for our teeth 8. To learn math well is very difficult 9 He spent half an hour doing housework yesterday