英语翻译1 短暂的休息后,他们继续工作2 当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在讲话(while)3 她太小了,上不了学(3种说法)4 森林里有成百上万的昆虫5 许多动物都濒临灭绝6 你确定3年后,能买辆新车吗?是的7 我经常错把Lily 当成Lucy了.因为她们是双胞胎(mistake)8 昨天我爸爸把旧房子给推倒了9 这棵树有20米高10 教室有6米宽


1 短暂的休息后,他们继续工作
2 当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在讲话(while)
3 她太小了,上不了学(3种说法)
4 森林里有成百上万的昆虫
5 许多动物都濒临灭绝
6 你确定3年后,能买辆新车吗?是的
7 我经常错把Lily 当成Lucy了.因为她们是双胞胎(mistake)
8 昨天我爸爸把旧房子给推倒了
9 这棵树有20米高
10 教室有6米宽
1. After a short break, they continue to work.2. The teacher walked into the classroom while students were talking.3. She is too young to go to school. (说法一) She is not old enough to go to schoo... 1. After a short break, they continue to work.2. The teacher walked into the classroom while students were talking.3. She is too young to go to school. (说法一) She is not old enough to go to schoo...