高一英语听力句子翻译:1.May i take your order now?2.This is your private room,(这句我会,关键是后面的那句)and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of your share.which all six of your share这里连在整个句子里面怎么翻译?3.And we should give ourselves forty minutes to have lunch and another t


1.May i take your order now?
2.This is your private room,(这句我会,关键是后面的那句)and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of your share.which all six of your share这里连在整个句子里面怎么翻译?
3.And we should give ourselves forty minutes to have lunch and another ten to wait for the ferry.此句中的another ten怎么翻译?
1.May i take your order now?
2.This is your private room 这是你们的单间
and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of your share.
which all six of your share这里做private room的定语,
3.And we should give ourselves forty minutes to have lunch and another ten to wait for the ferry.吃午饭我们大约需要40分钟的时间,之后还得再花十分钟的时间等渡船.
another ten是指40分钟之后还得需要十分钟的时间.
1.May i take your order now?
2.This is your private room 这是你们的单间
and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of your share.
which all six of your share这里做private room的定语,
3.And we should give ourselves forty minutes to have lunch and another ten to wait for the ferry.吃午饭我们大约需要40分钟的时间,之后还得再花十分钟的时间等渡船.
another ten是指40分钟之后还得需要十分钟的时间.