SAT阅读 写作 5.(1001 section4 8)Former news anchor Dan Rather had for colorful:fokr exambple,he once described a political race as “Spandex tight”.C a penchant… locutions4.Do the demands of others temd to make people mor productive than they would ge without


SAT阅读 写作
5.(1001 section4 8)
Former news anchor Dan Rather had _______ for colorful_:fokr exambple,he once described a political race as “Spandex tight”.
C a penchant… locutions
4.Do the demands of others temd to make people mor productive than they would ge without such pressure?
1.09年1月section2 15是不是答案错了.
2.A bookstore has 15000 books in stock,of which 60 percent are papaerback and 40 percent are hardcover.All the books are either fiction or nonfiction.If 4500 of the books are nonfiction and 2500 of the nonfiction books are paperback,how many of the books are both fiction and hardcover?
1.Spandex tight,斯潘德克斯领带,是一种打结后越拉越紧的领带.Dan Rather用这种领带来比喻政党之间的竞争.2.写作题,就写写压力可以转换为动力啦,有压力能够激发潜能啦之类.3.数学题,15000本书的60%是平装书,即9000本... 1.Spandex tight,斯潘德克斯领带,是一种打结后越拉越紧的领带.Dan Rather用这种领带来比喻政党之间的竞争.2.写作题,就写写压力可以转换为动力啦,有压力能够激发潜能啦之类.3.数学题,15000本书的60%是平装书,即9000本...