情景交际 根据对话内容,在空白处填上恰当的单词、短语或句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: Hello Robert! B: Hello Tom! A: Weren’t you (1) last weekend? B: No. I went out. But what’s wrong? A: I had a pi cnic w ith our classmates in the park. I wanted you to join us so I called yo




A: Hello Robert!

B: Hello Tom!

A: Weren’t you (1)_____________________ last weekend?

B: No. I went out. But what’s wrong?

A: I had a pi cnic w ith our classmates in the park. I wanted you to join us so I called you but you didn’t (2)_____________________.

B: Sorry my parents and I went to the beach.

A: Beach? Did you go swimming?

B: No I went to surf ( 冲浪 ). It’s a popular sport.

A: But I th ink it ’s kind of (3)_____________________. I don’t dare to do it.

B: But it’ s real ly exciting. A lot of people are interested in it. I’m going to surf again next weekend. (4)_______________________?

A: I’d like to but I can’t surf.

B: (5)_______________________. I’ll teach you.

A: OK. Thanks a lot.


1. at home  2. answer  3. dangerous 

4. Would you like to go with me  5. Don’t worry

1. at home  2. answer  3. dangerous 

4. Would you like to go with me  5. Don’t worry

相关标签: 情景 交际 根据 对话 内容 恰当 单词 短语 完整 通顺