英语高手来写三篇文章至少60个单词.(表写太好,初中水平就行.题目自己定)1.What's your wish in the new year?(for family,for China,for yourself……) 2.Waht do you want to say to your parents?3.What kind of a person is a successful one in you mind?


至少60个单词.(表写太好,初中水平就行.题目自己定)1.What's your wish in the new year?(for family,for China,for yourself……) 2.Waht do you want to say to your parents?3.What kind of a person is a successful one in you mind?
My wish is that there'll be peace throughout the world but most importantly,we can finally learn to respect one another.
I would say to my parents..'I know I'm annoying but still happy new year..For me a successful person is someone who achieve their dreams through their own hard work.
My wish is that there'll be peace throughout the world but most importantly,we can finally learn to respect one another.
I would say to my parents..'I know I'm annoying but still happy new year..For me a successful person is someone who achieve their dreams through their own hard work.