英语翻译1.尽管他不太愿意,他还是不得不和陌生人在旅馆同住一个房间.(even if,share)2.山里有很多标记,其中有些标记是为给游人夜间指路而专门设计的.(design,guide)3.汽车在现代生活中其了重要的作用,但是有时也会带来问题,比如说空气污染.(play a role)4.饥寒交迫,小女孩不住地哭泣.(形容词做伴随状语)5.这项工程将由一位来自江苏的工程师负责.(be responsible for)6.会上,一项挽救这些珍惜动物的计划被提了出来.(put forward)


1.尽管他不太愿意,他还是不得不和陌生人在旅馆同住一个房间.(even if,share)
3.汽车在现代生活中其了重要的作用,但是有时也会带来问题,比如说空气污染.(play a role)
5.这项工程将由一位来自江苏的工程师负责.(be responsible for)
6.会上,一项挽救这些珍惜动物的计划被提了出来.(put forward)
1.He had to share the room with the strangers in the hotel even if he was not willing to do.
2.in the mountain area,there are many signals,some of which are designed for the tourists to guide the way in night.
3.Automobile plays a important role in the modern life,however,sometimes it brings us some troubles/problems,such as air pollution.
4.the little girl was crying again and agin,hungery and cold.
5.a engineer from Jiangsu will be responsible for the project.
6.a plan to save these rare kind of animal was put forward in the meeting.
1.He had to share the room with the strangers in the hotel even if he was not willing to do.
2.in the mountain area,there are many signals,some of which are designed for the tourists to guide the way in night.
3.Automobile plays a important role in the modern life,however,sometimes it brings us some troubles/problems,such as air pollution.
4.the little girl was crying again and agin,hungery and cold.
5.a engineer from Jiangsu will be responsible for the project.
6.a plan to save these rare kind of animal was put forward in the meeting.