帮翻译成英文?企业员工档案管理系统 摘要 随着计算机的日益普及和网络的发展,数据库的应用范围越来越广,数据库应用的功能也越来越强,因此编写管理信息系统应用程序也显得尤为重要,在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它变得越来越普及。 员工基本档案管理是任何企事业单位都需要进行的一项工作,因此,开发制作员工基本档案管理系统具有较大的社会现实意义, 员工基本档案管理系统是主要用于企业内部员工的档案,便于公司领导掌握人员的基本信息,同时也减少了手工操作带来的一些繁琐与不便,使员工情况的记录和统计变得十分简单.这些


帮翻译成英文?企业员工档案管理系统 摘要 随着计算机的日益普及和网络的发展,数据库的应用范围越来越广,数据库应用的功能也越来越强,因此编写管理信息系统应用程序也显得尤为重要,在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它变得越来越普及。 员工基本档案管理是任何企事业单位都需要进行的一项工作,因此,开发制作员工基本档案管理系统具有较大的社会现实意义, 员工基本档案管理系统是主要用于企业内部员工的档案,便于公司领导掌握人员的基本信息,同时也减少了手工操作带来的一些繁琐与不便,使员工情况的记录和统计变得十分简单.这些优点可以极大的提高企业对员工基本信息管理的效率.因此,员工基本档案管理系统是企事业信息化、智能化、科学化和正规化不可缺少的管理软件。 关键词: 管理系统、数据库、员工档案
Employee File Management System Abstract With the increasing popularity of computers and network development, databases increasingly wide range of applications, databases, applications, functions are more powerful, so the preparation of management information system application also appears to be particularly important in stress management, and emphasis on information and modern society, it is becoming increasingly popular. The basic file management staff of any enterprises need to conduct a work, therefore, developed production staff on basic file management system has a greater sense of social reality, the staff of basic file management system is mainly used for internal employee files, easy to Company leaders hold staff basic information, while reducing the manual to bring some of the cumbersome and inconvenient, so that the records of the employees and statistics has become very simple. These advantages can greatly improve the basic information to employees by enterprises management efficiency. Thus, employees of basic file management system is the enterprises of information, intelligence, scientific and standardized management software indispensable. Keywords: management system, database, employee files Employee File Management System Abstract With the increasing popularity of computers and network development, databases increasingly wide range of applications, databases, applications, functions are more powerful, so the preparation of management information system application also appears to be particularly important in stress management, and emphasis on information and modern society, it is becoming increasingly popular. The basic file management staff of any enterprises need to conduct a work, therefore, developed production staff on basic file management system has a greater sense of social reality, the staff of basic file management system is mainly used for internal employee files, easy to Company leaders hold staff basic information, while reducing the manual to bring some of the cumbersome and inconvenient, so that the records of the employees and statistics has become very simple. These advantages can greatly improve the basic information to employees by enterprises management efficiency. Thus, employees of basic file management system is the enterprises of information, intelligence, scientific and standardized management software indispensable. Keywords: management system, database, employee files