人的一生中,目标是行动的导航灯.如果没有目标,我们就不会努 力,因为我们不知道为什么要努力.没有目标,我们几乎同时失去机遇、运气和别人的支持.因为不知道自己到底想要什么,也没有什么能帮助你;就像大海中的航船,如果不知道靠岸的码头在哪里,也就不明确什么风对你来讲是顺风.


人的一生中,目标是行动的导航灯.如果没有目标,我们就不会努 力,因为我们不知道为什么要努力.没有目标,我们几乎同时失去机遇、运气和别人的支持.因为不知道自己到底想要什么,也没有什么能帮助你;就像大海中的航船,如果不知道靠岸的码头在哪里,也就不明确什么风对你来讲是顺风.
In our life, goals are the course lights of our action,If we haven't got a goal,we will not make an effort because we don't know why we should do it.Have no goal,we will lost opportunities,fortune and support of others at the same time.Even more,no one can help you because you don't know what you want.Such as the ship at sea,you can't make sure whether the wind is good for you,because you never know where is you wharf. In our life, goals are the course lights of our action,If we haven't got a goal,we will not make an effort because we don't know why we should do it.Have no goal,we will lost opportunities,fortune and support of others at the same time.Even more,no one can help you because you don't know what you want.Such as the ship at sea,you can't make sure whether the wind is good for you,because you never know where is you wharf.