9句英语翻译1 据说他的余生都是在法国度过的(it) 2 昨天的新闻报道大量的有关甲型H1N1的病毒防预与治疗的书已经出版了(be said to) 3 下列购物单似乎有些错误(seem) 4 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘它的美丽(it) 5 不该阻止孩子做他们感兴趣的事(prevent) 6 应当鼓励学生养成独立思考的好习惯(habbit) 7 虽然有许多值得一看的电视节目,但年轻的学生不该花太多时间去看电视(worth while) 8 随着奥运会的临近,许多房屋被拆除,取而代之的


9句英语翻译1 据说他的余生都是在法国度过的(it) 2 昨天的新闻报道大量的有关甲型H1N1的病毒防预与治疗的书已经出版了(be said to) 3 下列购物单似乎有些错误(seem) 4 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘它的美丽(it) 5 不该阻止孩子做他们感兴趣的事(prevent) 6 应当鼓励学生养成独立思考的好习惯(habbit) 7 虽然有许多值得一看的电视节目,但年轻的学生不该花太多时间去看电视(worth while) 8 随着奥运会的临近,许多房屋被拆除,取而代之的是现代化建筑(replace) 9 毋庸置疑,在这个战争,经济灾难还有自然灾害频发的10年间,中国的崛起(rise sharply)是头号新闻
1 据说他的余生都是在法国度过的(it) It is said that the rest of his life was spent in France. 2 昨天的新闻报道大量的有关甲型H1N1的病毒防预与治疗的书已经出版了(be said to) Yesterday, the news are said to a lot of books of H1N1 prevention and treatment have been published. 3 下列购物单似乎有些错误(seem) There seems to is something wrong with the following shopping list. 4 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘它的美丽(it) The people who haven't been that village can hardly describe its beauty. 5 不该阻止孩子做他们感兴趣的事(prevent) We should not prevent our children from doing something meaningful.. 6 应当鼓励学生养成独立思考的好习惯(habbit) Students should be encouraged to develop the habits of think for themselves. 7 虽然有许多值得一看的电视节目,但年轻的学生不该花太多时间去看电视(worth while) Although there are many worthwhile programs on television, young students should not spend too much time watching TV. 8 随着奥运会的临近,许多房屋被拆除,取而代之的是现代化建筑(replace) With the drawing near of the Olympic Games, many old buildings have been pulled down and are replaced by modern buildings. 9 毋庸置疑,在这个战争,经济灾难还有自然灾害频发的10年间,中国的崛起(rise sharply)是头号新闻 There is no doubt that China's rise shaply is the top news in the past decade when wars, economic and natural disasters occurred frequently. 1 据说他的余生都是在法国度过的(it) It is said that the rest of his life was spent in France. 2 昨天的新闻报道大量的有关甲型H1N1的病毒防预与治疗的书已经出版了(be said to) Yesterday, the news are said to a lot of books of H1N1 prevention and treatment have been published. 3 下列购物单似乎有些错误(seem) There seems to is something wrong with the following shopping list. 4 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘它的美丽(it) The people who haven't been that village can hardly describe its beauty. 5 不该阻止孩子做他们感兴趣的事(prevent) We should not prevent our children from doing something meaningful.. 6 应当鼓励学生养成独立思考的好习惯(habbit) Students should be encouraged to develop the habits of think for themselves. 7 虽然有许多值得一看的电视节目,但年轻的学生不该花太多时间去看电视(worth while) Although there are many worthwhile programs on television, young students should not spend too much time watching TV. 8 随着奥运会的临近,许多房屋被拆除,取而代之的是现代化建筑(replace) With the drawing near of the Olympic Games, many old buildings have been pulled down and are replaced by modern buildings. 9 毋庸置疑,在这个战争,经济灾难还有自然灾害频发的10年间,中国的崛起(rise sharply)是头号新闻 There is no doubt that China's rise shaply is the top news in the past decade when wars, economic and natural disasters occurred frequently.