高一英语翻译题、帮帮忙请用括号内所给的单词、短语翻译句子.、多谢!~1.今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结.(focus on;summary)2.我们必须快速浏览这个报告,找到它的主要内容.(skim)3.老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典(找出其意思) (underline)4.他说像统计数据这样的细节就不必包括在内了. (statistics;details)5.我想我将用到一篇关于农民们让自己的土地远离肥沃的报告.(keep……free of;chemical fertilizers)6.这个农民花了


1.今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结.(focus on;summary)
3.老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典(找出其意思) (underline)
4.他说像统计数据这样的细节就不必包括在内了. (statistics;details)
5.我想我将用到一篇关于农民们让自己的土地远离肥沃的报告.(keep……free of;chemical fertilizers)
6.这个农民花了20年的时间来创造自己的企业.(build up)
7.使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题.(lead to)
1.Today the class is focus on writing a summary for a news.
2.We must skim the report quickly and find the main idea.
3.Our teacher made us to underline the words that hard to understand and look for the meaning in the dictionary.
4.He said details like statistics are unnecessary to includ in.
5.I think I will need a report about farmers keep their field free of chemical fertilizers.
6.The farmer took 20 years on building up his business.
7.Use too much chemical fertilizers lead to some serious problems.
1.Today the class is focus on writing a summary for a news.
2.We must skim the report quickly and find the main idea.
3.Our teacher made us to underline the words that hard to understand and look for the meaning in the dictionary.
4.He said details like statistics are unnecessary to includ in.
5.I think I will need a report about farmers keep their field free of chemical fertilizers.
6.The farmer took 20 years on building up his business.
7.Use too much chemical fertilizers lead to some serious problems.
相关标签: 新闻