求:翻译成英语,不要用百度,有道等翻译,谢谢,要符合实际!摘要:英语教学的目的是培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。而实现这一目的的关键在于师生、生生之间的互动作用,尤其是英语课堂教学中的生生之间的合作学习。这种学习方式的运用既能够顺应新课程“为了每一位学生的发展”的核心理念,也将对高效课堂的生成起到一定的积极作用。关键词:小组合作;小学英语 ;英语教学;学生


关键词:小组合作;小学英语 ;英语教学;学生
The target of English teaching is to raise students' ability to communicate in English. The key point to realise the goal lies in the reaction between teachers and students, especially students and students in class. The appliance of this way of study is not only in accordance with the idea of "development for each student", but also plays a positive role in forming effective class.
Key words: team cooperation, primary school English, English teaching, students.
The target of English teaching is to raise students' ability to communicate in English. The key point to realise the goal lies in the reaction between teachers and students, especially students and students in class. The appliance of this way of study is not only in accordance with the idea of "development for each student", but also plays a positive role in forming effective class.
Key words: team cooperation, primary school English, English teaching, students.