一份一分钟英文讲稿我要一份一分钟的新闻阅报分享!英文的! 新闻要在最近三四天的!!! 急啊!!!


一份一分钟英文讲稿我要一份一分钟的新闻阅报分享!英文的! 新闻要在最近三四天的!!! 急啊!!!
慢跑無助於減重 Running might not be the ideal form of exercise, especially if you want to lose weight. 跑步或許不是理想的運動形式,特別是如果你要想減輕體重。 Says Greg Brookes, a London-based personal trainer: "Lots of people start running to lose weight and it doesn’t always work - and this is why." 在倫敦任職的私人訓練師葛瑞格.布魯克斯說:「許多人為減重開始跑步,但此法不見得有效——其中有原因。」 "Fat is one of our body’s favourite sources of energy," says Brookes. "The more you run, the more your body prepares itself for your next run. You will actually start to hold on to more fat," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying. 「脂肪是我們身體最受青睞的能量來源,」布魯克斯說。「你跑步跑得越多,身體就越為下次跑步預作準備,你將實際上開始囤積更多脂肪」,每日郵報引述他的話說。 Brookes, with a clientele that includes celebrities, high-fliers and housewives, suggests why you won’t get leaner is that the body is an amazing machine and will adapt to anything. 布魯克斯的顧客群包括名流、懷抱目標的有心人士以及家庭主婦,他指出,你不會變得更苗條的原因,在於人體是一部神奇機器,可以適應任何事物。 "The more time you spend running, the better you become at running and the more efficient you get, the less energy you use and the fewer calories you burn," says Brookes. 「你花在跑步的時間越多,你就越善於跑步,而效率增加,使用的能量就越少,燃燒的卡路里也越少。」 Contrary to popular belief that any exercise will speed up your metabolism, running can, says Brookes, do the opposite. 迥異於任何運動都會加速新陳代謝的普遍看法,布魯克斯表示跑步會適得其反。 《新聞辭典》 clientele:名詞,(使用企業、專業人士等所提供之服務的)顧客,委託人。例句: The restaurant has a large regular clientele. (這家餐館有很多常客。)client是具體的一個一個的客戶,而clientele是集體概念名詞。 high-flier:名詞,有抱負的人;有野心的人。Sally has always been a high-flier. (莎莉一直是個有野心的人。) adapt to︰片語,適應、使適合。例句:He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.(他努力使自己適應新的情況。) 慢跑無助於減重 Running might not be the ideal form of exercise, especially if you want to lose weight. 跑步或許不是理想的運動形式,特別是如果你要想減輕體重。 Says Greg Brookes, a London-based personal trainer: "Lots of people start running to lose weight and it doesn’t always work - and this is why." 在倫敦任職的私人訓練師葛瑞格.布魯克斯說:「許多人為減重開始跑步,但此法不見得有效——其中有原因。」 "Fat is one of our body’s favourite sources of energy," says Brookes. "The more you run, the more your body prepares itself for your next run. You will actually start to hold on to more fat," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying. 「脂肪是我們身體最受青睞的能量來源,」布魯克斯說。「你跑步跑得越多,身體就越為下次跑步預作準備,你將實際上開始囤積更多脂肪」,每日郵報引述他的話說。 Brookes, with a clientele that includes celebrities, high-fliers and housewives, suggests why you won’t get leaner is that the body is an amazing machine and will adapt to anything. 布魯克斯的顧客群包括名流、懷抱目標的有心人士以及家庭主婦,他指出,你不會變得更苗條的原因,在於人體是一部神奇機器,可以適應任何事物。 "The more time you spend running, the better you become at running and the more efficient you get, the less energy you use and the fewer calories you burn," says Brookes. 「你花在跑步的時間越多,你就越善於跑步,而效率增加,使用的能量就越少,燃燒的卡路里也越少。」 Contrary to popular belief that any exercise will speed up your metabolism, running can, says Brookes, do the opposite. 迥異於任何運動都會加速新陳代謝的普遍看法,布魯克斯表示跑步會適得其反。 《新聞辭典》 clientele:名詞,(使用企業、專業人士等所提供之服務的)顧客,委託人。例句: The restaurant has a large regular clientele. (這家餐館有很多常客。)client是具體的一個一個的客戶,而clientele是集體概念名詞。 high-flier:名詞,有抱負的人;有野心的人。Sally has always been a high-flier. (莎莉一直是個有野心的人。) adapt to︰片語,適應、使適合。例句:He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.(他努力使自己適應新的情況。)
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