

Our class will go to Shanghai Changfeng OceanWorld Next Sunday.We will take No.754 bus to go there on 8:00 am.In the morning,we plan to visit the aquarium at first.After finishing the aquarium visit,we will have a lunch in the park together and then have a short rest.In the afternoon,we are going to see the performance of white whales.It must be interesting.We should go back to school in 4:00pm. Our class will go to Shanghai Changfeng OceanWorld Next Sunday.We will take No.754 bus to go there on 8:00 am.In the morning,we plan to visit the aquarium at first.After finishing the aquarium visit,we will have a lunch in the park together and then have a short rest.In the afternoon,we are going to see the performance of white whales.It must be interesting.We should go back to school in 4:00pm.
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