有一天女孩问男孩,ABCDEFG是什么意思?男孩回答,A boy can do everything for girl.好多人告诉女孩后面还有HIJK——He is just kidding.女孩笑了笑说,就算他骗我也没关系…因为后面还有LMNOP——Love must need our patience.A boy can do everything for girlhe is just kiddinglove must need our patienceQuestions about her boy


男孩回答,A boy can do everything for girl.好多人告诉女孩后面还有HIJK——He is just kidding.女孩笑了笑说,就算他骗我也没关系…因为后面还有LMNOP——Love must need our patience.
A boy can do everything for girl
he is just kidding
love must need our patience
Questions about her boy trouble her greatly.
Really it's true that she loves him,so she has every reason to worry about him.
Still,he says to her with a smile that hers is a boy with no questions whatsoever.
Tonight,he is coming to her with his explanation.
'Up till now ,you have been the only one to me,so nice so exciting to me,he says
Very much do you mean to me,you know.
Without you would be like something without sunshine,
X-rays work because electrity powers them.
Your boy goes great because he has you in his heart.
Zero and zero are my problems,and thus you needn't worry about me,your boy free of problems.哪位英语高材生帮我翻译下这短话吧!
按顺序来哈一个男孩可以为女孩做任何事情那是开玩笑的爱是需要我们的耐心他对她的问题都很在意这的确是真的,她爱他,因此她有足够的理由这么做.,尽管如此,他微笑着对她说,她的男孩是一个什么问题都没有的男孩.今晚,他... 按顺序来哈一个男孩可以为女孩做任何事情那是开玩笑的爱是需要我们的耐心他对她的问题都很在意这的确是真的,她爱他,因此她有足够的理由这么做.,尽管如此,他微笑着对她说,她的男孩是一个什么问题都没有的男孩.今晚,他...