在你学习英语的过程中,你遇到了麻烦:没有学好英语,并却在测试中没有取得好成绩.面对你的烦恼,家人、老师或朋友给与了你关心,要给你提出了建议.向你的好友谈谈你的家人、老师或朋友给于你的关心、帮助、或建议以及你的想法.要求:1.词数80左右2.必须用上 advice,should Why not ...


2.必须用上 advice,should Why not ...
Dear friends,
As you can see,my English is poor.I can not get good result .But my family,teachers and friends care about me. They give me lots of advice.
My friends tell me that I should see some English movies. It can both improve my listening skills and spoken Ehglish.
I also appricate that my parents trust me.They always stand by my side and encourage me.When I failed,they often say "Why not try it again? We think you can do better.
From my point of view, The good saying "No pain , No gain " reminds me that I must study harder . Only in this way will I repay their kindness.
不好意思,我写的字数超过你的要求了.第一段可以删减掉叙述自己情况的部分,这样应该字数差不多. 希望我的作文对你有帮助O(∩_∩)O~.
Dear friends,
As you can see,my English is poor.I can not get good result .But my family,teachers and friends care about me. They give me lots of advice.
My friends tell me that I should see some English movies. It can both improve my listening skills and spoken Ehglish.
I also appricate that my parents trust me.They always stand by my side and encourage me.When I failed,they often say "Why not try it again? We think you can do better.
From my point of view, The good saying "No pain , No gain " reminds me that I must study harder . Only in this way will I repay their kindness.
不好意思,我写的字数超过你的要求了.第一段可以删减掉叙述自己情况的部分,这样应该字数差不多. 希望我的作文对你有帮助O(∩_∩)O~.