

It is crucial that we have some ideas about how to read effectively and efficiently in order to acquire more knowledge. Our capacity of concluding and conprehending information will be greatly improved if we have developed good reading habits, and this will serve as our inner impetus to read more preeminent books and masterpieces. Good reading habits assist to raise our mental status to a climax as well as maintain it. Based on this, we will not only be more acclimated to our surroundings, but also have a better cognition of ourselves. It is crucial that we have some ideas about how to read effectively and efficiently in order to acquire more knowledge. Our capacity of concluding and conprehending information will be greatly improved if we have developed good reading habits, and this will serve as our inner impetus to read more preeminent books and masterpieces. Good reading habits assist to raise our mental status to a climax as well as maintain it. Based on this, we will not only be more acclimated to our surroundings, but also have a better cognition of ourselves.