请教会英语高手的帮我翻译一下,不要那种软件翻译的.此时此刻,我想说的是:一旦我失去动力或心态改变的时候,我就应该辞职了,现在是该离开的时候了,这并不是我不喜欢这份工作,不爱自己所从事的职业,我只是觉得在XX机械设备有限公司,我没有必要在待下去了,我不想多说什么, 记得刚来贵司的时候,与现在的情况形成了鲜明的对比,我每天上班感到无聊,空虚,无事可做.在做下去的话,我人都会变得懒惰,颓废.我拿着这份微薄的薪水,在这里混日子,有什么意思呀!或许我应该找份更忙一点的工作,来充实充实自己,也希望能够把有的事情


At this moment,I want to say is:once I lost momentum or attitude change,I should resign,now is the time to go,this is not I do not
Like this job,does not love his own occupation,I just think XX Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.,I do not need to stay,I do not want to say even
What ,
I remember when I first came ,your company and the current situation in stark contrast,I work every day feeling bored,empty,nothing to do.Doing
Go on,I people will become lazy and decadent.I took the meager salary,where the goof,what means it!Maybe I should get a more busy one
Point of work to enrich enrich themselves,but also want to put some things to understand.
Finally,sincere thanks to XXX and XXX and colleagues for their help in the work,with you,I learned a lot of things.I will also be
Visiting here to play,will miss I've been here ever XXX days.
At this moment,I want to say is:once I lost momentum or attitude change,I should resign,now is the time to go,this is not I do not
Like this job,does not love his own occupation,I just think XX Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.,I do not need to stay,I do not want to say even
What ,
I remember when I first came ,your company and the current situation in stark contrast,I work every day feeling bored,empty,nothing to do.Doing
Go on,I people will become lazy and decadent.I took the meager salary,where the goof,what means it!Maybe I should get a more busy one
Point of work to enrich enrich themselves,but also want to put some things to understand.
Finally,sincere thanks to XXX and XXX and colleagues for their help in the work,with you,I learned a lot of things.I will also be
Visiting here to play,will miss I've been here ever XXX days.