七年级下册英语课本27面第4题编一个小故事.翻译这段:一天,Tim和Ben在超市里看见一个小偷偷了一瓶水.然后离开了超市,到BUS STOP前等车,Ben和Tim一路跟踪过来,并且把整个事情的原委告诉了女警察,最后,女警察抓住了小偷.


翻译这段:一天,Tim和Ben在超市里看见一个小偷偷了一瓶水.然后离开了超市,到BUS STOP前等车,Ben和Tim一路跟踪过来,并且把整个事情的原委告诉了女警察,最后,女警察抓住了小偷.
One day,Tim and Ben in the supermarket saw a thief stealing a bottle of water.And then left the supermarket,to the BUS STOP before waiting for a bus,Ben and Tim to track all the way over here,and put the matter told the policewoman,at last,the police caught the thief. One day,Tim and Ben in the supermarket saw a thief stealing a bottle of water.And then left the supermarket,to the BUS STOP before waiting for a bus,Ben and Tim to track all the way over here,and put the matter told the policewoman,at last,the police caught the thief.