

近年来,随着人们对环境问题的不断重视,森林作为陆地生态系统中最重要的类型,对其生物量的研究已经成为生态学研究的一个热点问题.该研究涉及到森林炭库在全球炭循环中的地位,对于温室效应的减缓作用.作为森林生态系统的最基本数量特征,生物量的测定是深入研究许多林业问题和生态问题的关键理论基础,准确测定森林生物量一直为世界生态学家和林学家所重视.本文利用第一手掌握的凉水自然保护区地区森林资源连续清查的森林固定样地数据(09年2类调查数据),根据凉水自然保护区主要森林类型的特点,基于chebyshev正交多项式系构建生物量模型,同时采用单木生物量模型作为补充,利用VF编程语言,估算出凉水自然保护区林场的生物量,并加以分析.关键词 :凉水自然保护区;生物量;chebyshev正交多项式系;单木生物量模型
In recent years, along with the people of the environmental problems of forest land, as the most important ecological system, its type of biomass research has become a hot issue of ecology. The study involved in global carbon forest carbon cycle of status for the greenhouse effect, the slow effect. As the forest ecosystem of the basic features of biomass, is thorough research problems and ecological problems many forestry key theoretical basis, the accurate determination of forest biomass in the world and ecologists historians. Based on the first-hand mastery of cold nature reserve area of forest resource continuous investigation data of forest fixed sample (2009), two kinds of investigation data according to the water main forest types of nature reserves, based on chebyshev orthogonal polynomial is constructing model, using biomass ChanMu biomass, VF supplement model programming languages, estimate the cool forest biomass of nature reserves, and analyzed. In recent years, along with the people of the environmental problems of forest land, as the most important ecological system, its type of biomass research has become a hot issue of ecology. The study involved in global carbon forest carbon cycle of status for the greenhouse effect, the slow effect. As the forest ecosystem of the basic features of biomass, is thorough research problems and ecological problems many forestry key theoretical basis, the accurate determination of forest biomass in the world and ecologists historians. Based on the first-hand mastery of cold nature reserve area of forest resource continuous investigation data of forest fixed sample (2009), two kinds of investigation data according to the water main forest types of nature reserves, based on chebyshev orthogonal polynomial is constructing model, using biomass ChanMu biomass, VF supplement model programming languages, estimate the cool forest biomass of nature reserves, and analyzed.