英语翻译翻译!1 2 我也不确定,让我查查我的笔记本吧 3 美术室在微机室的隔壁 4 我不认识这个单词,我可以借一下你的词典吗?5 我可以把我的笔记本借给你 6 我可以帮你吗?好的,请帮我抱着这些书 7 不用客气


翻译!1 2 我也不确定,让我查查我的笔记本吧 3 美术室在微机室的隔壁 4 我不认识这个单词,我可以借一下你的词典吗?5 我可以把我的笔记本借给你 6 我可以帮你吗?好的,请帮我抱着这些书 7 不用客气
1、Can I ask you a question of math homework?
2、I'm not sure,let me check my notes.
3、The art room is next to the computer room.
4、I don't know the word,can I use your dictionary?
5、I can lend you my notebook
6、Can I help you?Yes,please help me to take these books
7、Thank you very much.Not at all.
1、Can I ask you a question of math homework?
2、I'm not sure,let me check my notes.
3、The art room is next to the computer room.
4、I don't know the word,can I use your dictionary?
5、I can lend you my notebook
6、Can I help you?Yes,please help me to take these books
7、Thank you very much.Not at all.