

Besides the investigation correlation commercial mesh point store advertisement,we also enter the market directly to exchange with the shop employee with English.Thoroughly investigates us after this time to discover these business nets hit the mark the sales personnel's English spoken language to urgently await to strengthen.Some of them only can use the body language to introduce the product,has with the computer expressed the price,has continually the most basic spoken language not to be able,runs into the foreign shopping guest even to ignore. Besides the investigation correlation commercial mesh point store advertisement,we also enter the market directly to exchange with the shop employee with English.Thoroughly investigates us after this time to discover these business nets hit the mark the sales personnel's English spoken language to urgently await to strengthen.Some of them only can use the body language to introduce the product,has with the computer expressed the price,has continually the most basic spoken language not to be able,runs into the foreign shopping guest even to ignore.