英语翻译1.他曾经有开灯关窗睡觉的习惯.(with+名词+形容词)2.据心理学家分析,出现在梦中的某些事物是特定疾病的标志.(心理学家:spychologist,分析:analysis)3.电脑自从问世就对世界产生了巨大的影响.(effect)4.在西方国家大多数人骑自行车是为了锻炼身体.(majority)5.是向老师承认错误,还是掩盖事实,他举棋不定.(举棋不定:hesitate)6.如果你能坚持到底,当宇航员的梦想并非遥不可及.(dream of)7.他梦想有朝一日当一名外科医生为病人动手术.(dr


6.如果你能坚持到底,当宇航员的梦想并非遥不可及.(dream of)
7.他梦想有朝一日当一名外科医生为病人动手术.(dream of)
8.根据校规,学生禁止留长发.(ban...from doing...,留:wear)
1. he has a habit of sleeping with the light open.
2. analysised by the psychologists,some things appeared in your dream are kind of signs of some particular disease
3.Computers have taken a huge effect on the world since it appeared
4.the majority of American people ride bicycles for exercise
5. he is hesitating that he should say sorry the his teacher or hide the truth
6.if you persist, the dream of being a astronaut is not unachievable
7.he dreams of that one day he will become a surgeon who can do operations for people.
8.according to the rule of school, it is banned for students from wearing a long hair.
9.it should not to absolutely owe your faults to objective causes
1. he has a habit of sleeping with the light open.
2. analysised by the psychologists,some things appeared in your dream are kind of signs of some particular disease
3.Computers have taken a huge effect on the world since it appeared
4.the majority of American people ride bicycles for exercise
5. he is hesitating that he should say sorry the his teacher or hide the truth
6.if you persist, the dream of being a astronaut is not unachievable
7.he dreams of that one day he will become a surgeon who can do operations for people.
8.according to the rule of school, it is banned for students from wearing a long hair.
9.it should not to absolutely owe your faults to objective causes