《开车的优点和缺点》 写一篇两个人的对话(带翻译的)


《开车的优点和缺点》 写一篇两个人的对话(带翻译的)
A: Do you drive? 你开车吗?
B: No. Do you?不开.你呢?
A: Yes, I do. I can't go anywhere without my car.我开啊,没车我哪儿也去不了.
B: Hmmm. Interesting. For me, taking public transport is probably the best option. I hate looking around desperately for parking.嗯……挺有意思的.对我来说,乘搭公交应该是最好的了.我最讨厌六神无主地到处找泊车位.
A: You are right. It is one of the down sides of driving a car. It can be very hard to find parking, and, it is expensive to maintain a car.你是对的.难停车是开车的坏处之一.而且,养车挺贵的.
B: What do you mean by 'maintain a car'?你说的“养车”是什么意思?
A: Well, for instance, paying all sorts of fees, having regular services, buying petrol... I was once involved in an accident. Just a little bit of scratch, it cost me a fortune.哦,比如说,交各种费用啦,定期保养啦,加油啦……有一次我弄出点事故.尽管是个小小的刮蹭,却让我破财不少.
B: Bad luck. That's why I insist that it's much easier to not drive.你真够倒霉的.也正因为这样,我觉得不开车更好.
A: That's a matter of choice. Driving can be quite annoying sometimes; however, it is convenient, especially at a time when public transport is limited. I have more freedom on my own life with a car. When my parents or friends come to visit me, I don't need to worry about calling a taxi, as I can pick them up from the airport by myself. Besides, it can save my time in many occasions. That's why I never think of giving up driving.萝卜青菜,各有所爱.开车有时候是挺烦人的.不过,它也挺方便的,尤其是公共交通受限的时候.有了车,我的生活更自由了.我爸妈或朋友来看我时,我不必费心去叫的士,因为我可以自己去机场接他们.还有啊,在很多时候,自己开车都可以帮我省点时间.所以我一直没想过放弃开车.
B: I agree with you, that's a matter of choice. Maybe you can give me a lift today? You have your car with you anyway.你说的是对的,萝卜青菜,各有所爱.也许今天能让我坐坐你的顺风车?你反正开了车来.
A: Sure. Why not? I'll show you how cool it is to drive on the freeway at night time.当然可以,有啥不行的?我会让你看看在高速上开夜车有多酷.
B: Safety first! I'd better take public transport this time... 安全第一!这次我最好还是坐公交吧.
A: Do you drive? 你开车吗?
B: No. Do you?不开.你呢?
A: Yes, I do. I can't go anywhere without my car.我开啊,没车我哪儿也去不了.
B: Hmmm. Interesting. For me, taking public transport is probably the best option. I hate looking around desperately for parking.嗯……挺有意思的.对我来说,乘搭公交应该是最好的了.我最讨厌六神无主地到处找泊车位.
A: You are right. It is one of the down sides of driving a car. It can be very hard to find parking, and, it is expensive to maintain a car.你是对的.难停车是开车的坏处之一.而且,养车挺贵的.
B: What do you mean by 'maintain a car'?你说的“养车”是什么意思?
A: Well, for instance, paying all sorts of fees, having regular services, buying petrol... I was once involved in an accident. Just a little bit of scratch, it cost me a fortune.哦,比如说,交各种费用啦,定期保养啦,加油啦……有一次我弄出点事故.尽管是个小小的刮蹭,却让我破财不少.
B: Bad luck. That's why I insist that it's much easier to not drive.你真够倒霉的.也正因为这样,我觉得不开车更好.
A: That's a matter of choice. Driving can be quite annoying sometimes; however, it is convenient, especially at a time when public transport is limited. I have more freedom on my own life with a car. When my parents or friends come to visit me, I don't need to worry about calling a taxi, as I can pick them up from the airport by myself. Besides, it can save my time in many occasions. That's why I never think of giving up driving.萝卜青菜,各有所爱.开车有时候是挺烦人的.不过,它也挺方便的,尤其是公共交通受限的时候.有了车,我的生活更自由了.我爸妈或朋友来看我时,我不必费心去叫的士,因为我可以自己去机场接他们.还有啊,在很多时候,自己开车都可以帮我省点时间.所以我一直没想过放弃开车.
B: I agree with you, that's a matter of choice. Maybe you can give me a lift today? You have your car with you anyway.你说的是对的,萝卜青菜,各有所爱.也许今天能让我坐坐你的顺风车?你反正开了车来.
A: Sure. Why not? I'll show you how cool it is to drive on the freeway at night time.当然可以,有啥不行的?我会让你看看在高速上开夜车有多酷.
B: Safety first! I'd better take public transport this time... 安全第一!这次我最好还是坐公交吧.
相关标签: 优点 缺点 两个 对话 翻译