求一篇2~3分钟的两个人的英语口语对话,对话的频率不要相差太多要以这个为主题“Which course do you like best at college?Why?这两天要用,


要以这个为主题“Which course do you like best at college?Why?这两天要用,
A:So,what’s your favorite subject?
B:I’m interested in biology.I like studying the insects and animals.
A:Then you should take some important courses in that area.
B:I will.I don’t like history very much.I have to recite many names and it is boring.
A:I quite like history.But you should follow your heart and take more courses,just in case.
B:In case of what?
A:In case you don’t like biology later and you might be interested in other areas.
B:I see.
A:So,what’s your favorite subject?
B:I’m interested in biology.I like studying the insects and animals.
A:Then you should take some important courses in that area.
B:I will.I don’t like history very much.I have to recite many names and it is boring.
A:I quite like history.But you should follow your heart and take more courses,just in case.
B:In case of what?
A:In case you don’t like biology later and you might be interested in other areas.
B:I see.