明史 汤显祖传 翻译汤显祖,字若士,临川人.少善属文,有时名.张居正欲其子及第,罗海内名士以张之.闻显祖及沈懋学名,命诸子延致.显祖谢弗往,懋学遂与居正子嗣修偕及第.显祖至万历十一年始成进士.授南京太常博士,就迁礼部主事.十八年,帝以星变严责言官欺蔽,并停俸一年.显祖上言曰:“言官岂尽不肖,盖陛下威福之柄潜为辅臣所窃,故言官向背之情,亦为默移.御史丁此吕首发科场欺蔽,申时行属杨巍劾去之.御史万国钦极论封疆欺蔽,时行讽同官许国远谪之.一言相侵,无不出之于外.于是无耻之徒,但知自结于执政.所得爵禄,直以为执政


明史 汤显祖传 翻译
Tang Xianzu,if the word disabilities,Linchuan people.Less is a good text,and sometimes were.Zhang Juzheng to his son and,LUO Hai-of Fellows to Zhang.Wen and Chen Mao Xianzu scientific name,life extension of Scholars.Xianzuxiefu to that of Mao and then repair Chung-kai and Juzheng heirs.Xianzu to Wanli 11 years before a Jinshi.Nanjing delegate Dr.Tai Chang,Li Bu principal on the move.18 years,Dili to Select Star changed Supervisors bully Bi Yan,pension and stopped a year.Xianzu,Yan Yue:"How can Supervisors do bad,His Majesty Weifu covered the potential for stem burglary by Fu-Chen,the feeling of Supervisors Xiangbei also mime shift.Yushi Ding Lu starter this field bullied by Bi,Shen Shixing He is to be Yang.Yushi Nations Qin On a bully Bi Feng Jiang,Satirizing with the official line when Xu Yuan of Exile.Transgression of a word,no not the out.So the only shameless,but in the end that self-governance .Tseuk Luk from the straight with that ruling.Baoshen if not the future,and today has been solid just wealth.Jishi Zhong Yang Feng Zhao Li Ju Huang Zheng,Zheng Giant million bribe.Arrives in Hangzhou,feast on the West Lake,Yu City prison Recommended to fish profits.Fu-Chen Nai and their fate was,the first Zhuochun advice Yuan.Jishi Zhong Hu Runing attacks Rao stretch,but the right door Yingquan,their personal,Wei see appointment.His Majesty the Select husband Supervisors bully Bi,and Des Voeux Bi-chen bully free.Husband died today,Hill said that His Majesty Unfortunately,those four:the government to Tseuk Luk-sik good category,this straight for the private door Man Tao Li,Tseuk Luk is also a pity.Qunchen fashionable,Wang know sense of shame,a pity that talented people are.Fu-Chen did not Cases of wealth to the people,not for TU,is also a pity the Gazette.Majesty's Royal world 20 years ago decades governance,and more recently to Zhang Juzheng,a private group,Xiao-ran the bad; after 10 years G,at the line to more flexible and to private groups,but the name of the bad.'s Political Unfortunately,this also.Begging legislation exclusion Wen-ju,Runing,the commandment Yu Fu-Chen,the provincial span of repentance."Dinu,Exile Xuwen Code History .Moved slightly Suichang county magistrate.26 years,or on the capital,for He naturalization.Also next year,plans to discuss the main care of.Li Zhen supervisor for the Division,not to strive,even wins government.20-year single home.
Xianzu emotional generous,good-Li,Li Sancai,Mei Guozhen.After Jie Tong Jian in a vertical,and Xianzucengdeng poor old.Sancai Governor Caojing Huai,the removal of the Ying,Xie not to.
Xianzu suggestions of next year,Fujian Qian Li Gun Fengbiao thing to have,at the line out 10 crimes,Wang Xijue language transgression.However,Xijue dare Zisui statement,when it will benefit like Li,and exclusion to thank the world.Dinu,cutting its membership.Just two months,will also stop at.
Tang Xianzu,if the word disabilities,Linchuan people.Less is a good text,and sometimes were.Zhang Juzheng to his son and,LUO Hai-of Fellows to Zhang.Wen and Chen Mao Xianzu scientific name,life extension of Scholars.Xianzuxiefu to that of Mao and then repair Chung-kai and Juzheng heirs.Xianzu to Wanli 11 years before a Jinshi.Nanjing delegate Dr.Tai Chang,Li Bu principal on the move.18 years,Dili to Select Star changed Supervisors bully Bi Yan,pension and stopped a year.Xianzu,Yan Yue:"How can Supervisors do bad,His Majesty Weifu covered the potential for stem burglary by Fu-Chen,the feeling of Supervisors Xiangbei also mime shift.Yushi Ding Lu starter this field bullied by Bi,Shen Shixing He is to be Yang.Yushi Nations Qin On a bully Bi Feng Jiang,Satirizing with the official line when Xu Yuan of Exile.Transgression of a word,no not the out.So the only shameless,but in the end that self-governance .Tseuk Luk from the straight with that ruling.Baoshen if not the future,and today has been solid just wealth.Jishi Zhong Yang Feng Zhao Li Ju Huang Zheng,Zheng Giant million bribe.Arrives in Hangzhou,feast on the West Lake,Yu City prison Recommended to fish profits.Fu-Chen Nai and their fate was,the first Zhuochun advice Yuan.Jishi Zhong Hu Runing attacks Rao stretch,but the right door Yingquan,their personal,Wei see appointment.His Majesty the Select husband Supervisors bully Bi,and Des Voeux Bi-chen bully free.Husband died today,Hill said that His Majesty Unfortunately,those four:the government to Tseuk Luk-sik good category,this straight for the private door Man Tao Li,Tseuk Luk is also a pity.Qunchen fashionable,Wang know sense of shame,a pity that talented people are.Fu-Chen did not Cases of wealth to the people,not for TU,is also a pity the Gazette.Majesty's Royal world 20 years ago decades governance,and more recently to Zhang Juzheng,a private group,Xiao-ran the bad; after 10 years G,at the line to more flexible and to private groups,but the name of the bad.'s Political Unfortunately,this also.Begging legislation exclusion Wen-ju,Runing,the commandment Yu Fu-Chen,the provincial span of repentance."Dinu,Exile Xuwen Code History .Moved slightly Suichang county magistrate.26 years,or on the capital,for He naturalization.Also next year,plans to discuss the main care of.Li Zhen supervisor for the Division,not to strive,even wins government.20-year single home.
Xianzu emotional generous,good-Li,Li Sancai,Mei Guozhen.After Jie Tong Jian in a vertical,and Xianzucengdeng poor old.Sancai Governor Caojing Huai,the removal of the Ying,Xie not to.
Xianzu suggestions of next year,Fujian Qian Li Gun Fengbiao thing to have,at the line out 10 crimes,Wang Xijue language transgression.However,Xijue dare Zisui statement,when it will benefit like Li,and exclusion to thank the world.Dinu,cutting its membership.Just two months,will also stop at.