

on weekend\atweekend在周末
on saturdays Every saturday 每逢星期六,每个星期六
how often do you watch tv 你多久锻炼一次
I watch tv 【once a week】一个星期一次
three times a day \twice a month 一天三次,一个月两次three times a year/一年三次 three or four times 两道三次
we chinese people eat dinner 【three times a day 】我们中国人一天吃三饭对【 three times a day 】提问
how often do your chinese people
eat dinner?你们中国人多久次一次饭啊对【 three times 】提问 how many times do your chinese people eat dinner the day你们中国人一天吃几次饭?
exercise 动词,锻炼 名词分可数名词练习和不可数名词锻炼
how often exercise
do exercise 做练习
do exercises做运动
always uauslly often sometimes hardly neve 是频率副词放在be动词之后,行为动词之前
do eye exercise【s】 做眼保健操
do morning 做早操
go skatebodying 踩滑板
heis always on duty on maday 他总是星期一值日
he often [goes] 行为动词to the movie他通常去看电影
once two month两个月一次
do erexcise
take exercise
play sports 做运动
a number of 许多大量的加可数名词 the number of .数量 谓语动词用单数A number of students join the school basketball team
the number of the students in our class is 42
how long will you stay here toeday
the result of .结果
activity survey 活动调查
as for至于关于
a bar of chocolate
on weekend\atweekend在周末
on saturdays Every saturday 每逢星期六,每个星期六
how often do you watch tv 你多久锻炼一次
I watch tv 【once a week】一个星期一次
three times a day \twice a month 一天三次,一个月两次three times a year/一年三次 three or four times 两道三次
we chinese people eat dinner 【three times a day 】我们中国人一天吃三饭对【 three times a day 】提问
how often do your chinese people
eat dinner?你们中国人多久次一次饭啊对【 three times 】提问 how many times do your chinese people eat dinner the day你们中国人一天吃几次饭?
exercise 动词,锻炼 名词分可数名词练习和不可数名词锻炼
how often exercise
do exercise 做练习
do exercises做运动
always uauslly often sometimes hardly neve 是频率副词放在be动词之后,行为动词之前
do eye exercise【s】 做眼保健操
do morning 做早操
go skatebodying 踩滑板
heis always on duty on maday 他总是星期一值日
he often [goes] 行为动词to the movie他通常去看电影
once two month两个月一次
do erexcise
take exercise
play sports 做运动
a number of 许多大量的加可数名词 the number of .数量 谓语动词用单数A number of students join the school basketball team
the number of the students in our class is 42
how long will you stay here toeday
the result of .结果
activity survey 活动调查
as for至于关于
a bar of chocolate