写一篇关于是否崇拜偶像的英语作文有需搜英雄值得我们学习 但我们应不应该崇拜偶像呢?发表自己关点写一篇议论英语作文 90字左右 没有的话告诉我从哪可以搜到好的也可以 初中英语作文


有需搜英雄值得我们学习 但我们应不应该崇拜偶像呢?
发表自己关点写一篇议论英语作文 90字左右
没有的话告诉我从哪可以搜到好的也可以 初中英语作文
What qualities do you admire in other people? For me, there're two qualities that always impress me in another person, regardless of other parts of this person's personality. Maybe one of these two things impress me so much because I wish I had them.
Honesty - I love being around people who don't try to be someone they're not. Maybe some better adjectives would be "transparent" or "genuine". I don't mean people who are sort of prideful about how "real" they are, and others aren't. And I don't mean people who are genuine, yet they passively brag on themselves every chance they get. But when someone has truly come to terms with who they are as a person... when they're willing to admit their weaknesses and even their accomplishments without seeking any attention, I love that. I love being around those people. My grandfather is like that. He is who he is, and that never changes no matter who he's around.
What qualities do you admire in other people? For me, there're two qualities that always impress me in another person, regardless of other parts of this person's personality. Maybe one of these two things impress me so much because I wish I had them.
Honesty - I love being around people who don't try to be someone they're not. Maybe some better adjectives would be "transparent" or "genuine". I don't mean people who are sort of prideful about how "real" they are, and others aren't. And I don't mean people who are genuine, yet they passively brag on themselves every chance they get. But when someone has truly come to terms with who they are as a person... when they're willing to admit their weaknesses and even their accomplishments without seeking any attention, I love that. I love being around those people. My grandfather is like that. He is who he is, and that never changes no matter who he's around.