英文翻译啊啊啊啊在二十六岁前.为了自己的职业而学习的人占80%,因为自己的兴趣而学习的人占10%,雇主的支持率也较高,占70%.在二十六之三十九岁期间,为了自己的职业而学习的人逐渐减少,雇主的支持率也逐渐减少为30%,而因为自己的兴趣而学习的人逐渐增加.在三十九至四十九岁期间,因为职业而学习的人和因为兴趣而学习的人所占比例大约相同,雇主支持率也开始上升.在49岁以后,为自己的兴趣而学习的人占70%,而为了自己的职业而学习的人只占20%,雇主也很支持他们学习.不要网站翻译啊 好多语法错误


不要网站翻译啊 好多语法错误
Before the age of26, 80% people study for their career, 10% people study on their interests, also high in employers' supports, up to 70%.
Between the age of 26 to 39, decrease in the number of people who study for their career, employers' supports also reduces to 30%, increase in the number of people who study on their interests.
Between 39 to 49, the number of people who study for their career proportionates to people who study on their interest, employers' supports raise.
After the age of 49, 70% people study on their interests, whereas only 20% people study for their career, and employers also support their studies.
Before the age of26, 80% people study for their career, 10% people study on their interests, also high in employers' supports, up to 70%.
Between the age of 26 to 39, decrease in the number of people who study for their career, employers' supports also reduces to 30%, increase in the number of people who study on their interests.
Between 39 to 49, the number of people who study for their career proportionates to people who study on their interest, employers' supports raise.
After the age of 49, 70% people study on their interests, whereas only 20% people study for their career, and employers also support their studies.