英语翻译一个12岁的小女孩与一个40岁杀手之间亦师亦友,亦父亦女,似有还无的感情故事,没有缠绵悱恻、没有风化雪月,甚至唯一的激情也仅是玛蒂达孩童般偎在里昂肩上满足的睡去,等待着黎明醒来后的不归路…… 影片的最后,Mathilda将Leon珍若生命的兰花移入沃土,Mathilda轻声的说:“在这儿我们安全了,Leon”,镜头穿过女孩的头顶,一棵枝繁叶茂的参天大树,葱茏、旺盛,夏日的纽约阳光很明亮…… “人生好辛苦,还是长大就好了?”(Mathilda) “一直如此.”(Leon)


A 12-year-old girl and a 40-year-old killer is the division between the Mentor and father also women,also seems to have no feelings for the story,not reading,no weathering snow,or even the only passion,just as children are crowded in Lyon shoulders ready to meet the mountains,waiting for dawn to wake up after the road of no return ......
The final film,Mathilda will be if the life of Leon-zhen inflow fertile ground orchids,the soft-Mathilda said:"Here we have safety,Leon",shot through the head girls,one of the towering trees thrive with luxuriance,the Politburo,exuberant,the New York summer sun is bright ...
"Good hard life,or grow up like?" (Mathilda)
"Has always been the case." (Leon)
A 12-year-old girl and a 40-year-old killer is the division between the Mentor and father also women,also seems to have no feelings for the story,not reading,no weathering snow,or even the only passion,just as children are crowded in Lyon shoulders ready to meet the mountains,waiting for dawn to wake up after the road of no return ......
The final film,Mathilda will be if the life of Leon-zhen inflow fertile ground orchids,the soft-Mathilda said:"Here we have safety,Leon",shot through the head girls,one of the towering trees thrive with luxuriance,the Politburo,exuberant,the New York summer sun is bright ...
"Good hard life,or grow up like?" (Mathilda)
"Has always been the case." (Leon)