英语翻译积极的人,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样,想法决定我们的生活.有什么样的想法就有什么样的未来 积极地面对我们的人生,积极地面对自我,因为自己的命运就掌握在你自己手里,只有自己,有足够的力量推动生命的轮轴.任何有决心,有目标,有准备,有恒心毅力,对于自己的目标志在必得,并且对一切都积极主动的人,或早或迟,有朝一日,一定能够拥有财富、身份、地位,以及幸福.


积极的人,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样,想法决定我们的生活.有什么样的想法就有什么样的未来 积极地面对我们的人生,积极地面对自我,因为自己的命运就掌握在你自己手里,只有自己,有足够的力量推动生命的轮轴.任何有决心,有目标,有准备,有恒心毅力,对于自己的目标志在必得,并且对一切都积极主动的人,或早或迟,有朝一日,一定能够拥有财富、身份、地位,以及幸福.
An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity,a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.How you think is how you define yourself and your dreams are waht yo are.so chin up and face your life with courage.determination is to a man what oil is to engine.what the mind of man can conceive and believe,the mind of a man can achieve.Remember,the more you sweat the luckier you get.if so,one day you will have all you want and you deserve it.
An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity,a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.How you think is how you define yourself and your dreams are waht yo are.so chin up and face your life with courage.determination is to a man what oil is to engine.what the mind of man can conceive and believe,the mind of a man can achieve.Remember,the more you sweat the luckier you get.if so,one day you will have all you want and you deserve it.