英语翻译1我没有什么特别的能力 如果非要说的话 那么 我觉得我这个人很大度 不会轻易生气 比较好相处 而且遇到事 很冷静 比较善良 而且分析能力较强 恩 就是这样2 我想在遇到一些大事的时候能够陪伴在我的家人旁边 帮他们分担他们的悲伤难过 冷静的开导他们 安慰他们 帮助他们分析事情的原因 帮助他们走出困境 和他们一起携手度过余生3 我觉得 一些人认为 给予别人 就是单纯的 给予他们物质上的帮助 给他们很多衣服啊 食物 可是我觉得 这些是 远远不够的 我觉的所谓的给予 不仅是物质上的 更是精神上的 我们可以


1我没有什么特别的能力 如果非要说的话 那么 我觉得我这个人很大度 不会轻易生气 比较好相处 而且遇到事
很冷静 比较善良 而且分析能力较强 恩 就是这样
2 我想在遇到一些大事的时候能够陪伴在我的家人旁边 帮他们分担他们的悲伤难过 冷静的开导他们 安慰他们 帮助他们分析事情的原因 帮助他们走出困境 和他们一起携手度过余生
3 我觉得 一些人认为 给予别人 就是单纯的 给予他们物质上的帮助 给他们很多衣服啊 食物 可是我觉得 这些是 远远不够的 我觉的所谓的给予 不仅是物质上的 更是精神上的 我们可以利用自己空余的时间 去做 心理志愿者 跟他们聊聊天 丰富他们的精神世界 使他们能够重拾对生活的自信
需要翻译成 英文 最好是比较 简单易懂的词汇 恩
1 I do not have any special ability if you must say that I feel I am the person a great degree of anger will not easily get along and experience something better
Comparative not panic very calm and good grace is such a strong analytical ability
2 I would like to experience some big time to accompany my family next to help them share their sad sad enlighten them to comfort them cool to help them analyze the reasons for things to help them work out of the woods and spend the rest of his life with them
3 I think some people think that giving to others is simply to give them material help to give them a lot of clothes but I think these ah food is not enough I feel called to give not only material but also spiritual that we can use their spare time to do psychological volunteers chat with them to enrich their spiritual life so that they can regain their self-confidence
1 I do not have any special ability if you must say that I feel I am the person a great degree of anger will not easily get along and experience something better
Comparative not panic very calm and good grace is such a strong analytical ability
2 I would like to experience some big time to accompany my family next to help them share their sad sad enlighten them to comfort them cool to help them analyze the reasons for things to help them work out of the woods and spend the rest of his life with them
3 I think some people think that giving to others is simply to give them material help to give them a lot of clothes but I think these ah food is not enough I feel called to give not only material but also spiritual that we can use their spare time to do psychological volunteers chat with them to enrich their spiritual life so that they can regain their self-confidence