

在我设计的这个正方形的右边,我设计了一个大的等边三角形和一个小的等边三角形,我觉得右边的设计我运用到了设计元素里面的 比例关系
在这个正方形的左边我设计了一个大的直角三角形和小的直角三角形 我同样使用了设计元素里的比例关系 .在这个左右两边的不同的三角形我觉得是形成了一个对比在这个正方形的后面做出了一个独立的梯形,这个梯形觉得是设计元素里面的吸引力,因为当我看到了这个独立的形状,我觉得它是吸引我看看里面有什么.在这个正方形的里面 我放了大小不一的类似与Y这个字母的形状,我这样的设计以及摆放包含了设计元素里面的 重复 相似
Before I did this square design, I have searched some information about design elements online and I discovered that most design uses geometric shapes, lines, and alphabets. My inspiration came from the net, after seeing how the collage of irregular shapes can result in a good design element. Thus, I want to use a few geometric shapes and some irregular shapes to create my square design. The draft that I have done is basically some geometric irregular shapes and some lines because I feel that using these shapes can allow me to express my design elements in a more simpler and clearer way. At the right of my square design, I used a big equilateral triangle and a small equilateral triangle. I think that I have used proportions in this design. At the left of the square design, I used a big right angled triangle and a small right angled triangle. Similar to before, I make use of proportions in this design. I think that the contrast of the triangles at both sides forms a trapezium. I think this trapezium is what makes the design appealing because when I saw that independent shape I was attracted by it and wanted to know what was in it. In this square design, I added different sizes of shapes that is similar to the letter 'Y'.This way of designing and placement includes the repetition and pattern of design elements. Before I did this square design, I have searched some information about design elements online and I discovered that most design uses geometric shapes, lines, and alphabets. My inspiration came from the net, after seeing how the collage of irregular shapes can result in a good design element. Thus, I want to use a few geometric shapes and some irregular shapes to create my square design. The draft that I have done is basically some geometric irregular shapes and some lines because I feel that using these shapes can allow me to express my design elements in a more simpler and clearer way. At the right of my square design, I used a big equilateral triangle and a small equilateral triangle. I think that I have used proportions in this design. At the left of the square design, I used a big right angled triangle and a small right angled triangle. Similar to before, I make use of proportions in this design. I think that the contrast of the triangles at both sides forms a trapezium. I think this trapezium is what makes the design appealing because when I saw that independent shape I was attracted by it and wanted to know what was in it. In this square design, I added different sizes of shapes that is similar to the letter 'Y'.This way of designing and placement includes the repetition and pattern of design elements.