英语翻译This trend can only continue.The twenty-first century is a time of globalization,and ongoing technological advances improve every day.The progree made in the past 100 years is staggering:modern air connections ferry passengers from Beijing to New York


This trend can only continue.The twenty-first century is a time of globalization,and ongoing technological advances improve every day.The progree made in the past 100 years is staggering:modern air connections ferry passengers from Beijing to New York in just over 13 hours:documents zip back and forth across the world in seconds:whole libraries of information can be searched in moments.
Despite the current trend of presenting outsourcing as a relatively recent phenomenon,it is actually one of the most common business practices.Does your neighbor’s son mow your lawn?That is outsourcing .The teenager from around the corner who babysits your children on Saturday nights?That is also outsourcing .Do you hire an accountant to prepare your tax return?That is outsourcing too.
这种趋势仍在继续,21世纪是一个科技发展,全球化的时代.这种科技在过去的100年都是很令人难以置信的.比如说:空中飞机仅花13个小时就把乘客从北京带到纽约,在世界各地传送文件仅几秒钟.在瞬间我们就可以搜索到很多信... 这种趋势仍在继续,21世纪是一个科技发展,全球化的时代.这种科技在过去的100年都是很令人难以置信的.比如说:空中飞机仅花13个小时就把乘客从北京带到纽约,在世界各地传送文件仅几秒钟.在瞬间我们就可以搜索到很多信...