

1) strengths:advocate everyone using leisure to do public service.After all,we are all living in this matter the survival and development of the society,is the first,if blindly help children,and ignoring his lover,family,this also is very not should be.
2) appropriate also help children family:if pure and simple,for instance:provide help children living allowance,so parents whether also eat?The child is born,poor children of parents of parents also is my parents but also great,suggest proper give family certain subsidies.
3) to a mode:now how many public organization,is in one-on-one in educational pattern,we also is such,but before the actual operation process,found a problem,first time \ energy \ money problems,for example:students have time and energy,didn't what silver,workers on the contrary,some money,but because work,without too much time and energy,they all want to express public appeals,then will they together is a kind of solution,another was this way can strengthen the communication between the aid,let the sponsored child time longer,also share their stress,reduce energy use time.
4) material combination spirit:must pay attention to poverty,spiritual level:maybe we don't know,but for setbacks,in fact also and this one truth,either strenuously,or depression,due to poor children,their origins and other reasons,is likely to have a kind of inferiority mentality,which requires more we come to give some spiritual guidance and help,take care of their growth.
5) crutch principle:we are like the patient's crutch,our purpose is to help them to be fit,or other health came to cast us off,don't we have a dependence,remember us forever just auxiliary.Destiny to change or on their own.
6) really when friends:only are friends and friends of dialogue between just more sincere,not a shi speakers and recipients of grants to deal with the relationship between,so it's easy to have a commanding feeling,give a person with cannot close feeling.
中文文章参考百度 知道如下:1)量力而行:提倡大家利用闲余时间来从事公益,毕竟我们都是生活在这个物质的社会,生存和发展是第一位,如果一味帮助孩子们,而忽略了自己的爱人,家人,这也是很不应该的.2)适当也帮助孩子家人:如果单纯简单帮助孩子,比如:提供生活补助,那么家长是否也吃?孩子是父母生的,贫困孩子的父母也是父母,也是伟大的,建议适当的给予家庭一定补助.3)多对一模式:现在很多公益组织,在结队助学中是一对一模式,我们之前也是如此,但在实际操作过程中,发现了问题,首先是时间\精力\钱财的问题,比如:学生有时间和精力,没啥子银子,工作者相反,有些银子,但由于工作,没有过多的时间和精力,他们都想表达公益诉求,这时将他们结合到一起就是一种解决方式,另外这种方式能加强施助者之间的交流沟通,让资助孩子的时间更长久,同时也分担了各自的压力,减少精力使用时间.4)物质结合精神:一定注意精神层面,对于贫困也许我们不了解,但对于挫折,其实也和这一个道理,要么发奋,要么消沉,对于贫困孩子,他们由于出身等原因,很可能有一种自卑心理,这就更需要我们来给予一些精神指导和帮助,呵护他们的成长.5)拐杖原理:我们好比是病人的拐杖,我们的目的是帮助他们健康起来,等健康了就得丢弃我们,不要对我们有了依赖,记得我们永远只是辅助.命运的改变还是要靠他们自己的.6)真心当朋友:只有是朋友与朋友之间的对话才更真诚,而不是一种施助者和受助者之间的关系来处理,这样很容易有一种居高临下的感觉,给人以不能亲近的感觉.
1) strengths:advocate everyone using leisure to do public service.After all,we are all living in this matter the survival and development of the society,is the first,if blindly help children,and ignoring his lover,family,this also is very not should be.
2) appropriate also help children family:if pure and simple,for instance:provide help children living allowance,so parents whether also eat?The child is born,poor children of parents of parents also is my parents but also great,suggest proper give family certain subsidies.
3) to a mode:now how many public organization,is in one-on-one in educational pattern,we also is such,but before the actual operation process,found a problem,first time \ energy \ money problems,for example:students have time and energy,didn't what silver,workers on the contrary,some money,but because work,without too much time and energy,they all want to express public appeals,then will they together is a kind of solution,another was this way can strengthen the communication between the aid,let the sponsored child time longer,also share their stress,reduce energy use time.
4) material combination spirit:must pay attention to poverty,spiritual level:maybe we don't know,but for setbacks,in fact also and this one truth,either strenuously,or depression,due to poor children,their origins and other reasons,is likely to have a kind of inferiority mentality,which requires more we come to give some spiritual guidance and help,take care of their growth.
5) crutch principle:we are like the patient's crutch,our purpose is to help them to be fit,or other health came to cast us off,don't we have a dependence,remember us forever just auxiliary.Destiny to change or on their own.
6) really when friends:only are friends and friends of dialogue between just more sincere,not a shi speakers and recipients of grants to deal with the relationship between,so it's easy to have a commanding feeling,give a person with cannot close feeling.
中文文章参考百度 知道如下:1)量力而行:提倡大家利用闲余时间来从事公益,毕竟我们都是生活在这个物质的社会,生存和发展是第一位,如果一味帮助孩子们,而忽略了自己的爱人,家人,这也是很不应该的.2)适当也帮助孩子家人:如果单纯简单帮助孩子,比如:提供生活补助,那么家长是否也吃?孩子是父母生的,贫困孩子的父母也是父母,也是伟大的,建议适当的给予家庭一定补助.3)多对一模式:现在很多公益组织,在结队助学中是一对一模式,我们之前也是如此,但在实际操作过程中,发现了问题,首先是时间\精力\钱财的问题,比如:学生有时间和精力,没啥子银子,工作者相反,有些银子,但由于工作,没有过多的时间和精力,他们都想表达公益诉求,这时将他们结合到一起就是一种解决方式,另外这种方式能加强施助者之间的交流沟通,让资助孩子的时间更长久,同时也分担了各自的压力,减少精力使用时间.4)物质结合精神:一定注意精神层面,对于贫困也许我们不了解,但对于挫折,其实也和这一个道理,要么发奋,要么消沉,对于贫困孩子,他们由于出身等原因,很可能有一种自卑心理,这就更需要我们来给予一些精神指导和帮助,呵护他们的成长.5)拐杖原理:我们好比是病人的拐杖,我们的目的是帮助他们健康起来,等健康了就得丢弃我们,不要对我们有了依赖,记得我们永远只是辅助.命运的改变还是要靠他们自己的.6)真心当朋友:只有是朋友与朋友之间的对话才更真诚,而不是一种施助者和受助者之间的关系来处理,这样很容易有一种居高临下的感觉,给人以不能亲近的感觉.
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