雅思口语回答成这样?会不会觉得是在背诵?很像作文,真要回答这么好?Describe a TV presenter Well,there are so many different TV programs on show everyday in diversified channels; hence there are thousands and thousands of TV presenters we can see.Some may leave us a very deep impression wh


Describe a TV presenter
Well,there are so many different TV programs on show everyday in diversified
channels; hence there are thousands and thousands of TV presenters we can see.Some may leave us a very deep impression while others may not leave a thing in our mind.
Here,I’d like to talk about the TV presenter
I love,WuZongxian,
although others may have a mixed feeling about him.
Being a TV presenter in Taiwan,Wu started his career in the field of variety shows in
the late 1980s,and then he became famous because of his unique style of hosting TV
programs and therefore the TV programs he hosted are constantly ahead in the ratings.All these earn him the top salary among those TV presenters in Taiwan,
being the local king for many rs.In 2008,he even won the Golden Bell Awards in television industry.His fast reaction and tactfulness in hosting
is among the first class,second to few others,and gradually,he formed his own style of hosting TV programs.Because he likes to use those popular words on the internet,
and his figure is not like other middleaged men,he is quite popular among the young audience.However,he also
Thanks to the change of the criteria of assessment,Wu was nominated three times for
the best TV presenter in 2006,2007 and 2008,and successfully won the golden bell
award in 2008 with the popular program “guess,guess,guess”” This is also the best
affirmation to him.
这是第几部分的口语,真要回答成这样?如果我抽到这个话题 ,我根本就我...我一个主持人的名字都叫不出,更别说描述他的主持风格描述那么一大段.如果真遇到这种情况 ,我该怎么办,真的没话说时候怎么办
还有这篇,这太像作文了吧.如果我真不知道什么New law 我该如何回答?
Describe a new law
Well,to provide a secured life for the public,every year the government of China is
improving in its law system by updating those already existed ones or by issuing new
ones.Here,I would like to talk about a new law that was just in practice in January
1st this year.It is about the regulations on advertisements on TVs and Radios.
For a time in the past,there are great varieties of advertisements on TVs and radios,
but due to lack of proper management and supervision,there exist a lot of misleading
or unhealthy advertisements,which exert a negative influence on the general public.
And therefore,in January 1st,this new regulations were called into practice.

说下我自己经验,上年考雅思抽到一题让我描述我想买的汽车是什么样,很遗憾本人就一车盲,除了知道Toyota Honda 之外基本一无所知.所以只能曲线救国:首先我老实的告诉考官我根本不懂车(降低他的心理期待),然后开始说我在准备要学车,在看交通规则,去驾校报了名,准备上路练习,现在心情激动等等.然后说了我唯一知道的Toyota就是我想买的车,因为省油耐用等等.




说下我自己经验,上年考雅思抽到一题让我描述我想买的汽车是什么样,很遗憾本人就一车盲,除了知道Toyota Honda 之外基本一无所知.所以只能曲线救国:首先我老实的告诉考官我根本不懂车(降低他的心理期待),然后开始说我在准备要学车,在看交通规则,去驾校报了名,准备上路练习,现在心情激动等等.然后说了我唯一知道的Toyota就是我想买的车,因为省油耐用等等.


