

Frist I think take phone to school is a bad habbit..
while teacher taking lesson somebody called you was very UNpolite
so teacher was uhhappy because you not respect the teacher..
Then take phone to school is unhealth..because it will Radiates own body..
Then Will be able to be influential to the growth
so it is not good habbit..
这就是初二我的英语写作水平 可能 不全对 有些句子是我从网上搜的 但愿能给你带来帮助
Frist I think take phone to school is a bad habbit..
while teacher taking lesson somebody called you was very UNpolite
so teacher was uhhappy because you not respect the teacher..
Then take phone to school is unhealth..because it will Radiates own body..
Then Will be able to be influential to the growth
so it is not good habbit..
这就是初二我的英语写作水平 可能 不全对 有些句子是我从网上搜的 但愿能给你带来帮助
相关标签: 中学生 学校 英语 作文 讨论