剑桥少儿英语一级(下册)2007版,I can hear withI can smell withI can taste withI can touch 造造句,例如:I can see with my eyes.还有一题:选择合适的答案.1)It's a big place with many tall buildings,markets,schools and cinemas.2)It's a place where you can see many trees.3)It's a big piece


I can hear withI can smell withI can taste withI can touch 造造句,例如:I can see with my eyes.还有一题:选择合适的答案.1)It's a big place with many tall buildings,markets,schools and cinemas.2)It's a place where you can see many trees.3)It's a big piece of land where you see a few houses and some people working in the field.4)It's a place which you can only get there by boat or by ship.5)It's a kind of plant.It's green,short and sofa .You can play on it.6)It's a large area of water,surrounded by land.a.lake b.grass c..city d.island e.country(side) f.forest
你是个小朋友吗?造句那题就是像你例句那么造,I can see with my eyes, I can hear with my ears, I can smell with my nose, I can taste with my mouth, I can touch with my hands
选择题1这是一个有大楼,市场和电影院的地方,答案是城市city 2 这是个可以看到许多树的地方,答案是树林forest 3这是一个很大的地方你可以看到人们在田地里干活,答案是乡下countryside 4 这是一个你只能乘船到达的地方,答案是岛island 5这是一种植物,绿色,矮小,并且柔软,你可以在上面玩,答案是草grass. 6这是一片被陆地包围的水,答案是湖lake. 话说后面一题是二级的吧,我不记得一级有啊
你是个小朋友吗?造句那题就是像你例句那么造,I can see with my eyes, I can hear with my ears, I can smell with my nose, I can taste with my mouth, I can touch with my hands
选择题1这是一个有大楼,市场和电影院的地方,答案是城市city 2 这是个可以看到许多树的地方,答案是树林forest 3这是一个很大的地方你可以看到人们在田地里干活,答案是乡下countryside 4 这是一个你只能乘船到达的地方,答案是岛island 5这是一种植物,绿色,矮小,并且柔软,你可以在上面玩,答案是草grass. 6这是一片被陆地包围的水,答案是湖lake. 话说后面一题是二级的吧,我不记得一级有啊