英语作文 急内容:假设你是秘书Linda Wang,请按下列内容填写给经理john Brown的电话留言.内容:1、来电人:APP公司Mr.peter Margin2、12月12日上午10:30.3、来电内容:Mr.peter Margin将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时间与你见面.他希望在本周五上午九点三十能见到你,讨论双方合作事宜.你是否有空?希望你收到留言后尽早回电给Mr.peter Margin.会做的先坐下,作文


英语作文 急
内容:假设你是秘书Linda Wang,请按下列内容填写给经理john Brown的电话留言.内容:1、来电人:APP公司Mr.peter Margin2、12月12日上午10:30.3、来电内容:Mr.peter Margin将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时间与你见面.他希望在本周五上午九点三十能见到你,讨论双方合作事宜.你是否有空?希望你收到留言后尽早回电给Mr.peter Margin.
John Brown:
APP's MR.PeterMargin called in to say that he is going to Europe next week, soHave no time to meet you at next Monday.He hopes this Friday at 9: 30 to see you, to discuss cooperation between the two sides,if you have the time? Time to call in December 13th 10 : 30
your’s linda
John Brown:
APP's MR.PeterMargin called in to say that he is going to Europe next week, soHave no time to meet you at next Monday.He hopes this Friday at 9: 30 to see you, to discuss cooperation between the two sides,if you have the time? Time to call in December 13th 10 : 30
your’s linda