英语翻译1. 请随时向我方报告下列货物的最新价格.2. 我方打算按照当前的国际市场价格给你报个价.3.很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大.4.能不能互相让步?我想我们双方都坚持自己的价格是不明智的.5.我们不能做这笔交易,因为卖方提价百分之五,并降低数量百分之二十五.6. 关于价格问题,我认为在购买商品时,应该考虑的不仅是价格,还有品质.我们的产品质量一向是很好的,价格也是有竞争性的.无论如何,我们有诚意与你们做生意,希望你们还个价吧.7. 这些厂经验丰富,是我们产品出口的主要生产厂家,所有产品在


1. 请随时向我方报告下列货物的最新价格.
2. 我方打算按照当前的国际市场价格给你报个价.
6. 关于价格问题,我认为在购买商品时,应该考虑的不仅是价格,还有品质.我们的产品质量一向是很好的,价格也是有竞争性的.无论如何,我们有诚意与你们做生意,希望你们还个价吧.
7. 这些厂经验丰富,是我们产品出口的主要生产厂家,所有产品在世界市场上享有较高声誉.
8. 一般来说,我们在收到有关的信用证后三个月内可交货.
9. 我们认为您的价格不切实际,需要降到竞争水平才行.
10. 我们已通知我方银行开立以您方为受益人的不可撤销的跟单信用证.其金额为20000美元.
11. 请注意有关信用证的条款应与合同条款严格一致.
12. 考虑到我们之间长期友好的贸易关系,我们准备把折扣提高到10%.
13. 恐怕您的还盘太低了.我认为没有任何厂家会接受您的价格的.
14. 采用哪一种价格,取决于产品的特点以及所需的运输运输条件,同时要使符合买卖双方彼此的利益.
15. 我希望贵方能给我方的定单以特殊考虑,尽量说服生产厂加速生产.
16. 关于价格问题,我认为在购买商品时,应该考虑的不仅是价格,还有品质.我们的产品质量一向是很好的,价格也是有竞争性的.无论如何,我们有诚意与你们做生意,希望你们还个价吧.
17. 吸塑包装是世界市场上这种产品的最新包装.它惹人注目,能起到促销的作用.
18. 这是我们的FOB价目表.所有的价格都以我方最后确认为准.
19. 由于我们是在互利的基础上做交易.最大的可能是CIF青岛每台八十美元.
20. 我们对你们的产品有特殊的兴趣.如果质量好,价格合理,我们将大量订购,
21. 请注意有关信用证的条款应与合同条款严格一致.
22. 考虑到我们之间长期友好的贸易关系,我们准备把折扣提高到10%.
23. 根据你们的建议,我们已经改进了内包装,以适合你方市场消费者的需要.
24. 你们一定要在交货期前三十天把信用证开到我方,以便做好必要的安排.
25. 我给你一个特别优惠价,这种衬衫每打成本加运费纽约到岸价格为70美元.
26. 关于价格问题,我认为在购买商品时,应该考虑的不仅是价格,还有品质.我们的产品质量一向是很好的,价格也是有竞争性的.无论如何,我们有诚意与你们做生意,希望你们还个价吧.
27. 你们的价格比竞争者的价格高很多,应把它降到合理的水平,否则将无法达成交易
28. 正如您所知,信用证在国际贸易中是普遍采用的正常的支付方式.我们必须坚持这种习惯的做法.
1. Please feel free to send our report the following goods latest price.
2. We are going to the current international market price of given you a price.
3. Unfortunately, our price and your counteroffer big difference between.
4. Can you give in each other? I think we both insist on your price is not wise.
5. We can't do the deal, because the seller raised prices five percent, and reduce the number of twenty-five percent.
6. About the question of price, I think in the purchase of goods, should consider not only the price and quality. The quality of our products has always been very good, the price is competitive. Anyway, we are sincere to do business with you, hope you are a price.
7. These factory experience, has a long history, is our product exports the main production factory, all products in the world markets have enjoyed high reputation.
8. Generally speaking, we received the covering l/c in three months after delivery.
9. We think your price is impractical, need to competitive level to just go.
10. We have instructed our bank to open a credit in your favour irrevocable documentary letter of credit. The amount is $20000.
11. Please note that the relevant l/c terms shall be in strict accordance with the terms of the contract.
1. Please feel free to send our report the following goods latest price.
2. We are going to the current international market price of given you a price.
3. Unfortunately, our price and your counteroffer big difference between.
4. Can you give in each other? I think we both insist on your price is not wise.
5. We can't do the deal, because the seller raised prices five percent, and reduce the number of twenty-five percent.
6. About the question of price, I think in the purchase of goods, should consider not only the price and quality. The quality of our products has always been very good, the price is competitive. Anyway, we are sincere to do business with you, hope you are a price.
7. These factory experience, has a long history, is our product exports the main production factory, all products in the world markets have enjoyed high reputation.
8. Generally speaking, we received the covering l/c in three months after delivery.
9. We think your price is impractical, need to competitive level to just go.
10. We have instructed our bank to open a credit in your favour irrevocable documentary letter of credit. The amount is $20000.
11. Please note that the relevant l/c terms shall be in strict accordance with the terms of the contract.