英语翻译听古典音乐是一种高级的享受.(此句我在GOOGLE翻译成:listening to classical is an advanced enjoyment,古典音乐不仅有优美的旋律,还有真挚的感情.宁静、典雅,或震撼、鼓舞,或欢喜、快乐,或悲伤、惆怅(可以缩短些,只要能表达得到意思),大师们的情感,我似乎都能听到.这令我变得高尚,避免低俗.古典音乐有称维也纳古典乐派,此乐派三位最著名的作曲家是海顿,莫扎特,贝多芬.我曾听过他们以及巴赫,舒伯特,艾尔加等作曲家的音乐.我不喜欢流行音乐,几乎不会主动去听


听古典音乐是一种高级的享受.(此句我在GOOGLE翻译成:listening to classical is an advanced enjoyment,
It is an advances enyoyment to listen classical music.classical music not only has graceful melody ,but also cordial affection.Silencce,elegant,shock ,encouragement,happy or sadness,i can feel all these emotions great masters have.
Listening to classisical music proventing me from getting vulgar.
Classical music is also called Classic music sends Vienna.The most three famous composer of it are Haydn,Mozart and Beethoven.I 'VE listened to their's and Bach's ,Schubert's and Aierjia 's music.I don't like pop music and seldom listen to them .I've also listen to a little Jazz ,the piano music which composed by **,I 'd attracted by it .Besides ,i am never bored with classical music.
I love all classical music.because there are too many classical music ,but i've only linstened about 60.Although Beethovenian's hero (third) symphonic music is more than 50 minutes ,i never feel it boring.
It is an advances enyoyment to listen classical music.classical music not only has graceful melody ,but also cordial affection.Silencce,elegant,shock ,encouragement,happy or sadness,i can feel all these emotions great masters have.
Listening to classisical music proventing me from getting vulgar.
Classical music is also called Classic music sends Vienna.The most three famous composer of it are Haydn,Mozart and Beethoven.I 'VE listened to their's and Bach's ,Schubert's and Aierjia 's music.I don't like pop music and seldom listen to them .I've also listen to a little Jazz ,the piano music which composed by **,I 'd attracted by it .Besides ,i am never bored with classical music.
I love all classical music.because there are too many classical music ,but i've only linstened about 60.Although Beethovenian's hero (third) symphonic music is more than 50 minutes ,i never feel it boring.