请求高手翻译谢谢听音乐的好处 据研究,音乐能够增强记忆力,因为音乐能够开发右脑.美国科学家也发现,让一岁到七岁的小孩听莫扎特与贝多芬的音乐,他们的大脑将会开发得更快,使他们更聪明.不同的音乐能够影响我们的情绪,也能放松身心,比如压力太大,能够试试听些抒情的音乐来减轻部分的压力,功效大的话,省直能减轻所有的压力.音乐能让人的情绪变换无穷.科学家建议,培养音乐最好能在三岁到十岁之间,也不是说其他年龄层的就不能去学音乐,因为在三岁到十岁之间,较容易吸收更多的东西.


The advantages of listening music
According to the research,music can strengthen memory,because music can develop the right brain.
The American scientists also discovered that if children between one year old and seven year-old listen to Mozart and Beethoven's music,their cerebrum will develop quicker and they will become smarter.
Different music can affect our emotions,it can also relax the body and mind,for instance,when you are suffering presure,you can listen music to relax,and music can even reduce your presure as well.Music can also make people emotional and fickle.
The scientist suggested that it is better to train children between three years old and ten years old in a professional way in music field.However,there is no restraint for the difference of age,it's only because children from three years old to ten years old might be able to absorb knowledge more easily.
The advantages of listening music
According to the research,music can strengthen memory,because music can develop the right brain.
The American scientists also discovered that if children between one year old and seven year-old listen to Mozart and Beethoven's music,their cerebrum will develop quicker and they will become smarter.
Different music can affect our emotions,it can also relax the body and mind,for instance,when you are suffering presure,you can listen music to relax,and music can even reduce your presure as well.Music can also make people emotional and fickle.
The scientist suggested that it is better to train children between three years old and ten years old in a professional way in music field.However,there is no restraint for the difference of age,it's only because children from three years old to ten years old might be able to absorb knowledge more easily.