帮我写一篇感谢英语老师的英语作文。 亲爱的孙老师,在我刚来到这里,你就给我留下了深刻帮我写一篇感谢英语老师的英语作文。 亲爱的孙老师,在我刚来到这里,你就给我留下了深刻的印象,不高的身高配上端正的西装,敦厚而又不失威严。 在这一学期里,由你教我的英语,渐渐的对你的影响深刻改变成了崇拜,你就像一个长辈,总是教会我如何成长,如何做人。 这学期就快要结束了,坐在考场的我给你写下了这封感谢信,谢谢老师对我的教诲。


帮我写一篇感谢英语老师的英语作文。 亲爱的孙老师,在我刚来到这里,你就给我留下了深刻
Dear Mr. Sun,
First, I want to say thank you very much.
When I came here, you left me a deep impression. You are not very tall but look handsome by wearing suit, and you are honest and dignity.
In this semester, you teach me English, and gradually I begin to worship you. You just like an elder who always teaches me not only how to grow but also how to behave.
This term is almost over, I'm sitting in the examination room to write this letter for you.
Thank a teacher to teach me. Thanks again.
Yours 谁谁谁
Dear Mr. Sun,
First, I want to say thank you very much.
When I came here, you left me a deep impression. You are not very tall but look handsome by wearing suit, and you are honest and dignity.
In this semester, you teach me English, and gradually I begin to worship you. You just like an elder who always teaches me not only how to grow but also how to behave.
This term is almost over, I'm sitting in the examination room to write this letter for you.
Thank a teacher to teach me. Thanks again.
Yours 谁谁谁