情景交际 ; 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。 W: Hello? This is Jenny. M: Hi Jenny. It’s Alex. (1) W: I am playing with my sister in the snow.  M: In the snow? (2) W: Yes. It’s cold here. I’m going to skate this afternoo


情景交际 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。

W: Hello? This is Jenny.

M: Hi Jenny. It’s Alex. (1)__________

W: I am playing with my sister in the snow. 

M: In the snow? (2)__________

W: Yes. It’s cold here. I’m going to skate this afternoon.

M: (3)__________

W: Yes I can skate well. How’ s the weather in your city?

M: (4)__________ I’m playing soccer with my friends.

W: Do you play soccer every day?

M: Yes I play it after school every day.

W: I see. (5)__________

M: Thank you.

A. Have a good time.

B. What are you doing now?

C. It’s cool and cloudy.

D. Is it snowy in your city?

E. Can you skate?


1B  2D  3E  4C  5A

1B  2D  3E  4C  5A
