英语翻译1 我建议你的睡觉时间 最好 不要超过晚上10点.2 他每天不到晚上9点半,就睡觉了.3 那个女孩每天晚上都要熬夜,她已经习惯了这样的生活节奏.4 他用吹风机 吹干了 袜子5 手脱皮的原因是什么 (两种译法,一种用 why 提问,一种用 what 提问吧.英语翻译.


1 我建议你的睡觉时间 最好 不要超过晚上10点.
2 他每天不到晚上9点半,就睡觉了.
3 那个女孩每天晚上都要熬夜,她已经习惯了这样的生活节奏.
4 他用吹风机 吹干了 袜子
5 手脱皮的原因是什么 (两种译法,一种用 why 提问,一种用 what 提问吧.
1. I suggest that you should go to bed before 10:00 pm.
2. He goes to bed not later than 9:30 pm.
3. The girl stays up far into the night, and she has been used to such pace of life.
4. He dried his socks with the hair dryer.
5. Why does my hand peel?
What causes my hand to peel?
What is the reason of the peeling of my hand?
1. I suggest that you should go to bed before 10:00 pm.
2. He goes to bed not later than 9:30 pm.
3. The girl stays up far into the night, and she has been used to such pace of life.
4. He dried his socks with the hair dryer.
5. Why does my hand peel?
What causes my hand to peel?
What is the reason of the peeling of my hand?