求十篇英语短片作文易于背诵的,80-100字的作文 通俗易懂,


易于背诵的,80-100字的作文 通俗易懂,
1、HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西.没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的.如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点. 健康是快乐的要诀.唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣. 快乐在于知足.一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中. 2、BOOKS 书籍 As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good. 如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西.它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格.换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友.这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由. 读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择.不错,我们能从好书中获得益处.然而,坏书却对我们有害无益. 3、KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 知识就是力量 If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work. Why? Because knowledge is power. With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. We can send messages by telegram. We can talk with our friends by telephone. As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation. She (It) needs us very much. If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)? 如果我们没有知识,我们就不能做成功任何事情.为什么?因为知识就是力量.冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且发明了轮船,火车与飞机.我们能用电报传递消息.我们能用电话和朋友谈话. 如众所周知,我们学生都是国家未来的主人翁.她非常需要我们.如果我们不努力去获得知识,将来如何来报效她呢? 4、THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光 An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money. Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱.我认为这是不对的.为什么?因为我们大家都知道我们能够用工作赚钱,但无论如何却无法把时间争取回来.基于此种理由,我们可以说时间比钱钱更宝贵. 许多人不知爱惜时光.这确实是可惜的.我们必须记住浪费时间等于浪费生命. 5、HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY 诚为上策 There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you. There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy. 英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”.它说明了诚的重要性. 诚的益处是什么?如果你对他人诚实,他们也会对你诚实作为报答.当你忧悉的时候,他们会安慰你.当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你. 无法在这里数述不诚实的害处.一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌. 6、HOW EXERCISE HELPS 运动的利益 If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong. Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym. Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team. 如果我们的身体不强壮,我们做事的精神一定会十分迟钝.而且同时,我们也缺少足够的精力来读书.疾病只为侵击体弱的人而不是强壮的人. 为什么我们的身体会不强壮呢?因为我们不注意运动.基于此种理由,我们学生必须时常在运动场做不同种类的运动. 运动帮助我们强壮身体并避免疾病.它也教我们合作,因为大多数的运动都是团体游玩的. 7、THE BENEFITS OF TRAVELING 旅行的益处 I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite (extremely) simple and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking. In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge. Only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town. In the second place, traveling is good to our health. While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies. In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling. 我对旅行终是感觉有趣.我的理由非常简单时了.如果任何人对我的观点不满意的话,我将对他的想法会大大吃惊. 旅行增加我们的知识.只有藉旅行我们可以看到我们故乡以外的东西. 旅行对我们的健康有益.当我们旅行的时候,我们通常运动我们的身体. 8、THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION 教育的重要性 It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. No wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country.At present (Nowadays) most countries in (of) the world are enforcing compulsory education. It is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education. Taiwan is an exception as well not. 我们不可能使我们的国家富强而不发展教育.为什么?因为教育给予人民知识并教他们如何成为好公民以便能为国家效力.难怪,有人说教育决定一个国家的进步,繁荣与文化.现在世界大多数的国家都在实施强迫教育.所有各类人民不论贫富都必须接受教育.台湾也不例外. 9、INDUSTRY (DILIGENCE) 勤勉 It is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck. I am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do. This is unchangeable truth. Idleness is the opposite of industry. It is the source of all evil. An idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures. That he is doomed to failure is of no doubt. We should not follow his example. 勤勉会带给我们成功,财富和好运乃是当然之事.我确信一个苦干的人终是能够做成功他所要做的工作.这是不易之定理. 懒惰是勤勉的反面.它是万恶之源泉.一个懒惰的人只享受玩耍和寻乐.他命运注定失败是毫无疑问的.我们不应学他的榜样. 10、COOD HEALTH 良好的健康 We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health. Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life. In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise. 我们大家都希望快乐,所以我们应该好好保重健康.一个病人因为失去健康而很少快乐. 健康是一个人所能拥有最好的财富.钱能做许多事情,但是它却不能购买.然而,只要一个人有良好的健康,他就能享受人生的乐趣. 为了保证良好的健康,我们必须注意三件事情.它们是营养食物,新鲜空气和正当运动. 1、HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西.没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的.如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点. 健康是快乐的要诀.唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣. 快乐在于知足.一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中. 2、BOOKS 书籍 As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good. 如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西.它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格.换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友.这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由. 读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择.不错,我们能从好书中获得益处.然而,坏书却对我们有害无益. 3、KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 知识就是力量 If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work. Why? Because knowledge is power. With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. We can send messages by telegram. We can talk with our friends by telephone. As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation. She (It) needs us very much. If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)? 如果我们没有知识,我们就不能做成功任何事情.为什么?因为知识就是力量.冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且发明了轮船,火车与飞机.我们能用电报传递消息.我们能用电话和朋友谈话. 如众所周知,我们学生都是国家未来的主人翁.她非常需要我们.如果我们不努力去获得知识,将来如何来报效她呢? 4、THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光 An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money. Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱.我认为这是不对的.为什么?因为我们大家都知道我们能够用工作赚钱,但无论如何却无法把时间争取回来.基于此种理由,我们可以说时间比钱钱更宝贵. 许多人不知爱惜时光.这确实是可惜的.我们必须记住浪费时间等于浪费生命. 5、HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY 诚为上策 There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you. There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy. 英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”.它说明了诚的重要性. 诚的益处是什么?如果你对他人诚实,他们也会对你诚实作为报答.当你忧悉的时候,他们会安慰你.当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你. 无法在这里数述不诚实的害处.一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌. 6、HOW EXERCISE HELPS 运动的利益 If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong. Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym. Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team. 如果我们的身体不强壮,我们做事的精神一定会十分迟钝.而且同时,我们也缺少足够的精力来读书.疾病只为侵击体弱的人而不是强壮的人. 为什么我们的身体会不强壮呢?因为我们不注意运动.基于此种理由,我们学生必须时常在运动场做不同种类的运动. 运动帮助我们强壮身体并避免疾病.它也教我们合作,因为大多数的运动都是团体游玩的. 7、THE BENEFITS OF TRAVELING 旅行的益处 I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite (extremely) simple and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking. In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge. Only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town. In the second place, traveling is good to our health. While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies. In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling. 我对旅行终是感觉有趣.我的理由非常简单时了.如果任何人对我的观点不满意的话,我将对他的想法会大大吃惊. 旅行增加我们的知识.只有藉旅行我们可以看到我们故乡以外的东西. 旅行对我们的健康有益.当我们旅行的时候,我们通常运动我们的身体. 8、THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION 教育的重要性 It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. No wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country.At present (Nowadays) most countries in (of) the world are enforcing compulsory education. It is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education. Taiwan is an exception as well not. 我们不可能使我们的国家富强而不发展教育.为什么?因为教育给予人民知识并教他们如何成为好公民以便能为国家效力.难怪,有人说教育决定一个国家的进步,繁荣与文化.现在世界大多数的国家都在实施强迫教育.所有各类人民不论贫富都必须接受教育.台湾也不例外. 9、INDUSTRY (DILIGENCE) 勤勉 It is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck. I am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do. This is unchangeable truth. Idleness is the opposite of industry. It is the source of all evil. An idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures. That he is doomed to failure is of no doubt. We should not follow his example. 勤勉会带给我们成功,财富和好运乃是当然之事.我确信一个苦干的人终是能够做成功他所要做的工作.这是不易之定理. 懒惰是勤勉的反面.它是万恶之源泉.一个懒惰的人只享受玩耍和寻乐.他命运注定失败是毫无疑问的.我们不应学他的榜样. 10、COOD HEALTH 良好的健康 We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health. Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life. In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise. 我们大家都希望快乐,所以我们应该好好保重健康.一个病人因为失去健康而很少快乐. 健康是一个人所能拥有最好的财富.钱能做许多事情,但是它却不能购买.然而,只要一个人有良好的健康,他就能享受人生的乐趣. 为了保证良好的健康,我们必须注意三件事情.它们是营养食物,新鲜空气和正当运动.
相关标签: 英语 作文 背诵 通俗易懂