

  Appendix-D Troubleshooting and Error Beeps
  problem:My computer beeps and some of my bar code data is missing.
  Couse:The decoder's transmit speed is too fast.
  Solution:Slow down the secoder's transmit speed.
  problem:Some of the characters of my bar code are garbled or incorrect.
  Couse:The decoder's keyboard Country setting does not match the computer's keyboard setup.
  Solution:Set the decoder's Keyboard Country to the same as the keyboard on your computer.
  problem:My bar code cannot be read by the decoder.
  Couse:the decoder for the bar code you are attempting to read is turned off.
  Solution:Enter setup mode using the CTRL+F2+SHIFT+BACKSPACE key sequence,press F2,selece the DECODERS ON/OFF group,cursor down each decoder and set it to on.Press CTRL+ESC to exit comfiguration and save changes and attempt to read the bar code,You may also use the Bar Code Type ID to determine the type of the bar code than was just read.
  Couse:Your bar code is possible encode incorrectly.
  Solution:Call technical support for assistance.
  Couse:The decoder is damaged or is no longer functioning.
  Solution:Call technical support for assistance.
  problem:My computer gets a keyboard error while booting up.
  Couse:The decoder is damaged or is no longer functioning.
  Solution:Disconnect the decoder form your computer and use your keyboard only.Riboot your computer.If your computer still gets a keyboard error,then the problem may not be decoder.call technical support for assistance.
  problem:My cops lock LED on my keyboard flickers when i read a bar code.
  Couse:The Keyboard Country that you are using requires shifting in and out of the Shift lock mode to send the data properly.
  Solution:This is normal operation,You can reduce the flickering and speed the data transmit by sending numerics as keypad numerics,or setting the Keyboard Countey to UNIVERSAL mode.
  problem:I can't activate the setup mode on the decoder.
  Couse:The decoder is currently configtred to lockout the setup mode ofter a bar code is read.
  Solution:Turn the power off and then back on to your computer,and reenter the setup mode befor reading only bar codes.
  Couse:The keyboard than you are using does not work properly when you hold down the left-contro and caps lock keys.
  Solution:Use the alternate programming key sequence:left-control,F2,Right-shift,and Backspace.
  problem:The decoder beeps,but no data is displayed on my computer.
  Couse:The decoder is set to strip the same number of characters as there are in your bar code.
  Solution:Reconfigure the decoder to not strip characters form the bar code.
  Couse:The decoder is configured to send the numeric data as KEYPAD NUMERICS,or the Keyboard country setting is set to UNIVERSAL.
  Solution:Recomfigure the decoder to Send Number As MAIN KEYBOARD KEYS snd set the Keyboard Country setting to the country setting of your computer.
  problem:My programmable keyboard fails to program when the decoder is installed.
  Couse:The decoder responds to valid keyboard commands from the computer,Most programmable keyboard software programs send characters to the keyboard that are not volid commands.
  Solution:Remove the decoder from the computer before programming your keyboard.
  problem:When I cinnected RS232 interface reader to PC,I could not get power up signal.
  Couse:There is no power from PC series port.
  Solution:Use external power supply or take the power from PC.
  problem:When I cnnected RS232 interface reader to PC or terminal,I got power up signal no data thansmitted.
  Couse:This may couse by wrong pin out or wrong communication protocol.
  Solution:Check the pin out and communication protocol to match the PC or terminal you are using.
  problem:I can not find the bar code label I need.
  Couse:There are more than hundreds of bar coders need to be printed.All the bar code shows on this manual only most common ones.
  Solution:Follow the Bar code Formats and print what you need.
  Appendix-D Troubleshooting and Error Beeps
  problem:My computer beeps and some of my bar code data is missing.
  Couse:The decoder's transmit speed is too fast.
  Solution:Slow down the secoder's transmit speed.
  problem:Some of the characters of my bar code are garbled or incorrect.
  Couse:The decoder's keyboard Country setting does not match the computer's keyboard setup.
  Solution:Set the decoder's Keyboard Country to the same as the keyboard on your computer.
  problem:My bar code cannot be read by the decoder.
  Couse:the decoder for the bar code you are attempting to read is turned off.
  Solution:Enter setup mode using the CTRL+F2+SHIFT+BACKSPACE key sequence,press F2,selece the DECODERS ON/OFF group,cursor down each decoder and set it to on.Press CTRL+ESC to exit comfiguration and save changes and attempt to read the bar code,You may also use the Bar Code Type ID to determine the type of the bar code than was just read.
  Couse:Your bar code is possible encode incorrectly.
  Solution:Call technical support for assistance.
  Couse:The decoder is damaged or is no longer functioning.
  Solution:Call technical support for assistance.
  problem:My computer gets a keyboard error while booting up.
  Couse:The decoder is damaged or is no longer functioning.
  Solution:Disconnect the decoder form your computer and use your keyboard only.Riboot your computer.If your computer still gets a keyboard error,then the problem may not be decoder.call technical support for assistance.
  problem:My cops lock LED on my keyboard flickers when i read a bar code.
  Couse:The Keyboard Country that you are using requires shifting in and out of the Shift lock mode to send the data properly.
  Solution:This is normal operation,You can reduce the flickering and speed the data transmit by sending numerics as keypad numerics,or setting the Keyboard Countey to UNIVERSAL mode.
  problem:I can't activate the setup mode on the decoder.
  Couse:The decoder is currently configtred to lockout the setup mode ofter a bar code is read.
  Solution:Turn the power off and then back on to your computer,and reenter the setup mode befor reading only bar codes.
  Couse:The keyboard than you are using does not work properly when you hold down the left-contro and caps lock keys.
  Solution:Use the alternate programming key sequence:left-control,F2,Right-shift,and Backspace.
  problem:The decoder beeps,but no data is displayed on my computer.
  Couse:The decoder is set to strip the same number of characters as there are in your bar code.
  Solution:Reconfigure the decoder to not strip characters form the bar code.
  Couse:The decoder is configured to send the numeric data as KEYPAD NUMERICS,or the Keyboard country setting is set to UNIVERSAL.
  Solution:Recomfigure the decoder to Send Number As MAIN KEYBOARD KEYS snd set the Keyboard Country setting to the country setting of your computer.
  problem:My programmable keyboard fails to program when the decoder is installed.
  Couse:The decoder responds to valid keyboard commands from the computer,Most programmable keyboard software programs send characters to the keyboard that are not volid commands.
  Solution:Remove the decoder from the computer before programming your keyboard.
  problem:When I cinnected RS232 interface reader to PC,I could not get power up signal.
  Couse:There is no power from PC series port.
  Solution:Use external power supply or take the power from PC.
  problem:When I cnnected RS232 interface reader to PC or terminal,I got power up signal no data thansmitted.
  Couse:This may couse by wrong pin out or wrong communication protocol.
  Solution:Check the pin out and communication protocol to match the PC or terminal you are using.
  problem:I can not find the bar code label I need.
  Couse:There are more than hundreds of bar coders need to be printed.All the bar code shows on this manual only most common ones.
  Solution:Follow the Bar code Formats and print what you need.