

1.When asked about…,the vast/ overwhelming majority of people say that..but I think a bit differently.
When it comes to…,some people believe that… others argue/ claim that the opposite/ reverse(相反) is that…There is probably some truth in both arguments/ statements,but I tend to prefer the former/ latter.
2.Recently the rise in problem of / phenomenon of …has aroused public / popular/ wide/ worldwide concern.
Recently the issue of…has been brought into focus/ to our public attention.
3.For years,…had been views as… but people are taking a fresh look now.with the growing ..,people..
People used to think that…but they now share this new…
4.Should/ what…?Options(选择) of …vary greatly,some…others… but in my opinion…
1.On the whole,the advantages of ··· outweigh the disadvantages.Despite the various attitudes people hold,we must realize that ··· in itself is neither good nor bad,and it all depends on how we make use of it.
2.We deem(认为) it high time that measures be taken to··· so as to help people .
3.As we have said above,··· can be of great value,they not only make people ···but also help people to ····· Let’s go in for ···.
4.From the above analysis,we can safely predict that,with people’s increasing awareness of ···,··· will be decreasing/increasing gradually.
1.When asked about…,the vast/ overwhelming majority of people say that..but I think a bit differently.
When it comes to…,some people believe that… others argue/ claim that the opposite/ reverse(相反) is that…There is probably some truth in both arguments/ statements,but I tend to prefer the former/ latter.
2.Recently the rise in problem of / phenomenon of …has aroused public / popular/ wide/ worldwide concern.
Recently the issue of…has been brought into focus/ to our public attention.
3.For years,…had been views as… but people are taking a fresh look now.with the growing ..,people..
People used to think that…but they now share this new…
4.Should/ what…?Options(选择) of …vary greatly,some…others… but in my opinion…
1.On the whole,the advantages of ··· outweigh the disadvantages.Despite the various attitudes people hold,we must realize that ··· in itself is neither good nor bad,and it all depends on how we make use of it.
2.We deem(认为) it high time that measures be taken to··· so as to help people .
3.As we have said above,··· can be of great value,they not only make people ···but also help people to ····· Let’s go in for ···.
4.From the above analysis,we can safely predict that,with people’s increasing awareness of ···,··· will be decreasing/increasing gradually.
相关标签: 英语 作文 段落