

Everybody needs a friend.
There are many who live out their entire lives without agenuine,authentic friendship.
There is probably no greater tragedy than to go through livewithout a friend.
Without a friend,life is filled with loneliness as one'sonly companion.
Without a friend,the only conversation one hears is themonotony of talking to oneself -- to me,myself,and I.
A good friend is difficult to find.
Everyone with whom you have a social relationship may not qualify to be agenuine friend.
We must be mighty careful when we choose our friends.
We must remember that a person is known by the company he keeps.
Whether we like it or not,the world judges us by the character of the personswe call,"friend."
Everybody needs a friend.
There are many who live out their entire lives without agenuine,authentic friendship.
There is probably no greater tragedy than to go through livewithout a friend.
Without a friend,life is filled with loneliness as one'sonly companion.
Without a friend,the only conversation one hears is themonotony of talking to oneself -- to me,myself,and I.
A good friend is difficult to find.
Everyone with whom you have a social relationship may not qualify to be agenuine friend.
We must be mighty careful when we choose our friends.
We must remember that a person is known by the company he keeps.
Whether we like it or not,the world judges us by the character of the personswe call,"friend."
相关标签: 朋友 英语版 作文